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Bid No. 2019005/IRC-1760 <br />applicable sales tax, had the purchases not been tax exempt, once finalized through the Owner's Purchase Order <br />and after confirmation of completed delivery and acceptance, will be deducted from the Contractor's Contract <br />price via Change Order. <br />Taxes: Indian River County is exempt from any taxes imposed by State and / or Federal Government. Exemption <br />Certificates, if required, are to be furnished by the successful bidder and will be filled out by the County. <br />Delivery and Completion Dates: Indicate delivery and completion dates. This may be a determining factor in the <br />award of the bid. The County may, at its option, grant additional time for any delay or failure to perform hereunder <br />if the delay will not adversely affect the best interests of the County and is due to causes beyond the control of the <br />Bidder. Such grant must be in writing and made part of the resulting Agreement. <br />Irrevocable Offer. Bidder warrants by virtue of bidding that the prices quoted in this bid will remain firm and be <br />considered an irrevocable offer for a period of sixty (60) days, during which time one or more of the bids received <br />may be accepted by Indian River County. <br />Assignment/Delegation: No right, obligation or interest in an awarded Agreement may be assigned or delegated <br />by the Bidder without prior written consent of the County, without prejudice to County's other rights and <br />remedies. <br />Consideration of Bids: Verbal, emailed or faxed bids will not be considered. <br />Indemnification: The successful Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the County, and its commissioners, <br />officers and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable <br />attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the <br />contractor and persons employed or utilized by the contractor in the performance of the construction contract. <br />Public Access: The Bidder shall allow public access to all documents and materials in accordance with the <br />provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. If this project is federally -funded, the Department of Homeland <br />Security (DHS) seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials shall not be used <br />by the Bidder without specific FEMA pre -approval. <br />Records/Audit: The Bidder shall maintain books, records and documents pertinent to performance under this <br />Invitation and any resulting Agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently <br />applied. The County and the Florida Office of the Inspector General shall have inspection and audit rights to such <br />records for audit purposes during the term of the contract and for three years following the termination of <br />obligations hereunder. Records which relate to any litigation, appeals or settlements of claims arising from <br />performance under this work or purchase shall be made available until a final disposition has been made of such <br />litigation, appeals, or claims. <br />Acceptance: Receipt of an item shall not be an indication that the items are acceptable. Final acceptance and <br />authorization of payment shall be given after a thorough inspection indicates that the item is delivered in <br />accordance with the Bid Specifications. Suppliers are advised that in the event the delivered item does not meet <br />specifications, payment will be withheld until such time the supplier takes necessary corrective action. <br />Permits, Impact and Inspection Fees. In accordance with Florida Statutes Section 218.80, the "Public Bid Disclosure <br />Act", Indian River County as OWNER is obligated to disclose all license, permit, impact, or inspection fees that are <br />payable to Indian River County in connection with the construction of the Work by the,accepted bidder. All permit, <br />Page 5 of 39 <br />