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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final September 22, 2020 <br />to discuss Jacob Allenbaugh's request for information on the development <br />potential of the property at 6390 77th Street, which had been denied because of <br />the presence of a 500' communications tower. Chief Sweeney gave an <br />overview of the timeline of the request and confirmed that the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission (PZC) did not fail any of the three (3) criteria outlined in <br />the Land Development Regulations Section 902.07(4). Mr. Allenbaugh was <br />agreeable with staff and the PZC's determination. <br />Vice Chairman Flescher sought and received clarification from Chief Sweeney <br />that Mr. Allenbaugh was interested in purchasing the property. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan agreed that the PZC did make the correct decision; <br />however, he felt that the County could find a way to allow Mr. Allenbaugh to <br />build a home on the property as long as there was a deed restriction to hold the <br />County harmless of any future liability. <br />A discussion ensued between Mr. Allenbaugh, the Board and staff to establish <br />that two residences could be built on the parcel --one on the parcel at the front of <br />the property, and one on the parcel at the back of the property. The middle <br />parcel would include the tower with consensus for a 250 -foot fall -zone radius <br />that would remain undeveloped. Mr. Allenbaugh was agreeable to the deed <br />restriction. <br />Chairman Adams opened the floor to public comment. <br />Jim Parks, 6550 77th Street, thanked the Board for their decision. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner Zorc, <br />to: 1) Confirm that the Planning and Zoning Commission made the proper finding <br />under the three criteria; 2) Approve the Appellant's request to utilize the property, <br />directing staff to establish a 250 foot radius setback, which would allow the <br />property to be divided into two parcels for residential construction; and 3) <br />Directed the Appellant to work with the County Attorney on a deed restriction that <br />indemnifies the County from any future liability related to the tower on the <br />property. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 4 - Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Zorc, and <br />Commissioner O'Bryan <br />Nay: 1 - Commissioner Solari <br />The Chairman called for a recess at 10:25 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at <br />10:35 a.m., with all members present. <br />B. Emergency Services <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />