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M <br />Chairman Macht felt that another consideration for deferring <br />the environmental land purchase would be that the County should <br />have a greater revenue base by then and the load would be better <br />distributed to the taxpayers. <br />Commissioner Bird asked that, at the proper time during the <br />budget workshops, an update on the financial position of the golf <br />course be presented. He felt that the recent article in the <br />newspaper was very misleading and that the Taxpayers' Association <br />was a little off -base in some of their comments. In his opinion, <br />the golf course is in excellent financial shape, with plenty of <br />reserves to cover budgeted items. He wished everyone was more <br />aware of the various funds for the golf course operation. <br />Director Baird advised that a reply to the Taxpayers' <br />Association was made and financial statements were provided for <br />their examination. He explained that there was a $34,484 loss on <br />the financial statement for a $3,000,000 operation. The golf <br />course operating cash as of April 30th was $308,526; there was <br />sinking fund cash of $257,010; renewal replacement of $504,000; <br />capital construction reserves of $97,000; and a bond reserve <br />account of $522,000. <br />Commissioner Bird emphasized that he was not attacking that <br />particular organization but hoped that when they reach a <br />conclusion, it will be one based on research and facts because he <br />believes that people tend to believe that the information is <br />accurate when the organization's name is attached. <br />Director Baird added that staff had responded that the Board <br />of County Commissioners is not responsible for investments. The <br />Clerk of the Circuit Court is responsible for investments. <br />Clerk of Circuit Court Jeff Barton advised that he had also <br />responded to the Taxpayers' Association letter -because they had not <br />met with him. It was explained that each constitutional officer <br />has an independent set of books. They are given draws and do their <br />accounting independently. <br />Chairman Macht suggested it might be appropriate to consider <br />designations of how and where taxpayer monies are invested, such as <br />the proportion between equities, bonds and cash funds. <br />Director Baird continued his explanation that Clerk Barton is <br />responsible for investments. Last year's interest rates were a lot <br />lower at the beginning of the year than they were on September <br />30th, so almost every community in the United States had to write <br />their investments down because of the natural fluctuation of <br />interest rates. Any investment purchased 3 months ago had a lower <br />interest rate and, therefore, sold on the market at a lower market <br />5 <br />MAY 229 1995 <br />806K 95 P,�u 146 <br />