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(e) No other fees, bonus or other compensation is estimated to be paid <br />by the Underwriters in connection with the issue of the Bonds, to <br />any person not regularly employed or retained by the Underwriters, <br />(including any, "finder" as defined in Section 218.386(1)(a), <br />Florida Statutes, as amended), except as specifically enumerated as <br />expenses to be incurred and paid by the Underwriters, as set forth <br />in Schedule I attached hereto. <br />We understand that you do not require any further disclosure from the <br />Underwriters, pursuant to Section 218.385(4), Florida statutes, as amended. <br />William R. Hough & Co. <br />100 Second Avenue South <br />St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 <br />By: X'& <br />Vice President <br />