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STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . 525-010-60 <br />STATE -FUNDED GRANT AGREEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT <br />o2i1 s <br />construction change orders, or any other agreement that would result in exceeding the current budget <br />contained in Exhibit "B", or that are not consistent with the Project description and scope of services <br />contained in Exhibit "A" must be approved by the Department prior to Recipient execution. Failure to <br />obtain such approval, and subsequent execution of an amendment to the Agreement if required, shall be <br />sufficient cause for nonpayment by the Department. <br />c. Participation by the Department in a project that involves a consultant contract for engineering, architecture <br />or surveying services, is contingent on the Recipient's complying in full with provisions of Section 287.055, <br />Florida Statutes, Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act. In all cases, the Recipient shall certify to the <br />Department that selection has been accomplished in compliance with the Consultants' Competitive <br />Negotiation Act. <br />d. If the Project is procured pursuant to Chapter 255 for construction services and at the time of the competitive <br />solicitation for the Project 50 percent or more of the cost of the Project is to be paid from state -appropriated <br />funds, then the Recipient must comply with the requirements of Section 255.0991, Florida Statutes. <br />10. Design and Construction Standards and Required Approvals: In the event the Project includes construction <br />the following provisions are incorporated into this Agreement: <br />a. The Recipient is responsible for obtaining all permits necessary for the Project. <br />b. In the event the Project involves construction on the Department's right-of-way, the Recipient shall provide <br />the Department with written notification of either its intent to: <br />i. Award the construction of the Project to a Department prequalified contractor which is the lowest <br />and best bidder in accordance with applicable state and federal statutes, rules, and regulations. <br />The Recipient shall then submit a copy of the bid tally sheet(s) and awarded bid contract, or <br />ii., Construct the Project utilizing existing Recipient employees, if the Recipient can complete said <br />Project within the time frame set forth in this Agreement. The Recipient's use of this option is subject <br />to approval by the Department. <br />c. The Recipient shall hire a qualified contractor using the Recipient's normal bid procedures to perform the <br />construction work for the Project. For projects that are not located on the Department's right-of-way, the <br />Recipient is not required to hire a contractor prequalified by the Department unless the Department <br />notifies the Recipient prior to letting that they are required to hire a contractor prequalified by the <br />Department. <br />d. The Recipient is responsible for provision of Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) services. The <br />Department reserves the right to require the Recipient to hire a Department pre -qualified consultant firm <br />that includes one individual that has completed the Advanced Maintenance of Traffic Level Training. <br />Administration of the CEI staff shall be under the responsible charge of a State of Florida Licensed <br />Professional Engineer who shall provide the certification that all design and construction for the Project <br />meets the minimum construction standards established by Department. The Department shall have the <br />right to approve the CEI firm. The Department shall have the right, but not the obligation, to perform <br />independent assurance testing during the course of construction of the Project. Subject to the approval of <br />the Department, the Recipient may choose to satisfy the requirements set forth in this paragraph by either <br />hiring a Department prequalified consultant firm or utilizing Recipient staff that meet the requirements of <br />this paragraph, or a combination thereof. <br />e. The Recipient is responsible for the preparation of all design plans for the Project. The Department reserves <br />the right to require the Recipient to hire a Department pre -qualified consultant for the design phase of the <br />Project using the Recipient's normal procurement procedures to perform the design services for the Project. <br />All design work on the Project shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of all applicable laws <br />and governmental rules and regulations and federal and state accepted design standards for the type of <br />construction contemplated by the Project, including, as applicable, but not limited to, the applicable <br />provisions of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the AASHTO Policy on <br />Geometric Design of Streets and Highways. All design work for any portion of the Project to be located on <br />Page 6 of 14 33 <br />