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STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 525-010-60 <br />STATE -FUNDED GRANT AGREEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT <br />osis 7 <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br />FPN: 438073-1-54-01 <br />This exhibit forms an integral part of the State -Funded Grant Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of <br />Transportation and <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY (the Recipient) <br />PROJECT LOCATION: <br />❑ The project is on the National Highway System. <br />❑ The project is on the State Highway System. <br />PROJECT LENGTH AND MILE POST LIMITS: 2.540 MILES. Begin mile post 1.981 to end mile post 4.532. 69th Street from <br />66th Avenue to SR-5/US-1. <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION: RESURFACING 69th Street from 66th Avenue to SR-5/US-1 <br />The proposed improvement will include the reconstructing the roadway utilizing full depth reclamation, new asphalt concrete <br />pavement signing and pavement markings. <br />SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY RECIPIENT: <br />The Recipient shall commence the project's activities subsequent to the execution of this Agreement and shall perform in <br />accordance with the following schedule: <br />a) Construction to be completed by December 31, 2022 <br />If this schedule cannot be met, the Recipient will notify the Department in writing with a revised schedule or the project is <br />subject to the withdrawal of funding. <br />SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY DEPARTMENT: The DEPARTMENTwill hold Construction Notice to Proceed (NTP) until <br />design plans are submitted by the RECIPIENT and approved by the DEPARTMENT. <br />42 <br />