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EXHIBIT A -SCOPE OF WORK <br />Bowman Consulting Group Ltd. is pleased to submit this proposal for professional engineering services <br />to Indian River County Utility Department for engineering services to provide for the relocation of 16" <br />and 12" diameter water distribution mains and valving, a 4" diameter force main, and a 12" reclaim <br />water main along 82nd Avenue in the vicinity of 26th Street. <br />PROJECT BACKGROUND & UNDERSTANDING <br />We had several field reviews and discussions with Mr. John Boyer to discuss the main relocations due <br />to the pending FDOT road realignment of 82nd Street and the anticipated work is summarized below: <br />The project will consist of preliminary engineering design determination efforts to clearly delineate the <br />parameters of the proposed design effort to include potholing of existing utilities to determine exact <br />alignments within the existing and proposed rights of way, coordination with the Indian River Farms <br />Water Control District (IRFWCD) to determine design requirements for the crossing of the IRFWCD <br />canal located at 26th Street, coordination with HDR Engineering Inc. regarding the pending FDOT <br />roadway alignment and right of way acquisition, and preparation of conceptual relocation design for <br />review by all relevant parties to confirm design parameters. <br />Consultant will obtain limited survey services to obtain existing utility location information for the design <br />of the utility relocations and tie in to accommodate the FDOT road realignment plans currently under <br />design by HDR Engineering, Inc. Consultant will use and rely on the survey prepared for HDR <br />Engineering as included with in progress drawings of the road realignment project provided to us <br />through the County. <br />The design work for the project will include relocation of existing utility mains, with connections <br />designed to minimize disruption to existing customers wherever possible. The design will include <br />relocation and realignment of the existing water main, force main, and reclaim water main along the <br />82nd Avenue roadway realignment corridor as depicted by HDR Engineering Inc. in the vicinity of 26th <br />Street, to include the IRFWCD canal crossing at 26th Street, and extending up to 500 LF east on 26th <br />Street for alignment of that roadway as well. Specifications prepared by consultant will consist of bid <br />schedule, bid descriptions, and technical specifications for the work. County will provide front end <br />documents including general provisions. <br />All utility relocations are anticipated to be constructed prior to, or in conjunction with the 82nd Ave <br />roadway realignment project. <br />Permitting is anticipated to include FDEP main extension permits for the water and force mains, County <br />right of way permit for main relocations, and IRCWMD permit for crossing of the canal at 26th Street. <br />