Agreement HireQuest Direct
<br />6.01 In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement CONTRACTOR makes the following
<br />representations:
<br />A. CONTRACTOR has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and the other related
<br />data identified in the Invitation to Bid documents.
<br />B. CONTRACTOR has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local,
<br />and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work.
<br />C. CONTRACTOR is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations
<br />that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work.
<br />D. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all
<br />additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data
<br />concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site
<br />which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the
<br />means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by
<br />CONTRACTOR, including applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and
<br />procedures of construction, if any, expressly required by the Contract Documents to be employed
<br />by CONTRACTOR, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto.
<br />E. CONTRACTOR does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests,
<br />studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the
<br />Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.
<br />F. CONTRACTOR is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the
<br />Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents.
<br />G. CONTRACTOR has correlated the information known to CONTRACTOR, information and
<br />observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract
<br />Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data
<br />with the Contract Documents.
<br />H. CONTRACTOR has given OWNER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies
<br />that CONTRACTOR has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof
<br />by OWNER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR.
<br />I. The Contract Documents are su5icie:�t-to i;:dicute and convey understanding of all terms
<br />and cond'tiens for p--rformanca and fUrnishing of the Work.
<br />J. Contractor is registered rrldo and w iii use the D� parc:nerrt of Homeland Security's E -Verify system
<br />( to confirm die.ernpioyment 0gibiGty of all newly hired employees. Contractor
<br />is also responsible fo, ob.Lining proof'of E-VEriry ragistration fcr all subcontractors.
<br />7.01 Contents
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