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ROSELAND ROAD SEWER EXPANSION COST SHARE AGREEMENT <br />This Roseland Road Sewer Expansion Cost Share Agreement (hereinafter <br />"Agreement") is made and entered into on the 16tnday of February_, 2021 by and <br />between: Indian River County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida <br />("County"), whose address is 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach, FL, 32960 and the City of <br />Sebastian, a municipality ("City"), whose address is 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, <br />Florida, 32958. <br />Recitals <br />WHEREAS, the City has received a Fiscal Year 20-21 cost share grant from the <br />St. Johns River Water Management District to assist in the funding of the Roseland <br />Road Sewer Expansion project, which will allow for the abandonment of septic tanks <br />that are in close proximity to the Saint Sebastian River which empties into the Indian <br />River Lagoon; and <br />WHEREAS, as part of the Roseland Road Sewer Expansion Project, County and <br />City will only share in the costs of constructing a 6" diameter sanitary sewer force main <br />from the intersection of Roseland Road and Corporate Park Drive approximately 2,215 <br />linear feet north to the intersection of Roseland Road and Sunset Drive, as depicted on <br />Attachment "A", that will allow the Donald MacDonald Campground; City Public Works <br />Compound and various City airport properties to connect to the centralized sewer <br />system. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein <br />and other good and valuable consideration, the County and City hereby agree as <br />follows: <br />1. The foregoing recitals are true and incorporated as if fully restated herein. <br />2. Cost of sanitary force main system along Roseland Road. The estimated <br />cost of the construction of the sanitary sewer force main system is $87,896.19. The <br />County will pay $58,597.52 (2/3 this cost) and the City will pay $31,485.97 which <br />includes the cost estimates of the project ($29,298.67), See Attachment B, and the <br />City's share of the construction bond split 2/3 County to 1/3 City ($2,187.30). <br />3. Installation of Force Main. Within 30 days of County providing notice to the <br />City that it is ready to construct the sanitary sewer collection and transmission system <br />for Donald MacDonald Campground, City shall pay County $31,485.97. Once the City <br />pays County $31,485.97, the County will begin the construction of the 6" sanitary sewer <br />force main along Roseland Road. <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />