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Contract #36528 <br />ATTACHMENT D — CONTRACT PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />FOR STATE -FUNDED COST REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACTS <br />Invoices for state -funded cost reimbursement contracts must be supported by an itemized listing of <br />expenditures by category (salary, travel, expenses, etc.). Supporting documentation must be provided <br />for each amount for which reimbursement is being claimed, indicating that the item has been paid. <br />Check numbers may be provided in lieu of copies of actual checks. Each piece of documentation shall <br />clearly reflect the dates of service. Only expenditures for categories in the approved contract budget <br />will be reimbursed. <br />Listed below are examples of the types of documentation representing the minimum requirements by <br />cost category: <br />Salaries: Submit a payroll register or similar documentation showing gross salary charges, fringe <br />benefits, other deductions, and net pay. If an individual is paid by the hour, a document reflecting the <br />hours worked times the rate of pay is acceptable. <br />Fringe Benefits: Fringe benefits should be supported by invoices showing the amount paid on behalf <br />of the employee (e.g., insurance premiums paid). If the contract specifically states that fringe benefits <br />will be based on a specified percentage, rather than the actual cost of fringe benefits, then the <br />calculation for the fringe benefits amount must be shown. <br />Exception: Governmental entities are not required to provide check numbers or copies of checks for <br />fringe benefits. <br />Travel: Reimbursement for travel must be in accordance with § 112.061, Fla. Stat., which includes <br />submission of the claim on the approved State of Florida (State) or District travel voucher. <br />Other direct costs: Reimbursement is based upon paid invoices/receipts. If nonexpendable property <br />is purchased using State funds, the contract should include a provision for the transfer of the <br />property to the State when services are terminated. Documentation must be provided to show <br />compliance with Department of Management Services Rule 60A-1.017, F.A.C., regarding the <br />requirements for contracts which include services and that provide for the contractor to purchase <br />tangible personal property as defined in §273.02, Fla. Stat., for subsequent transfer to the State. <br />In-house charges: Charges which may be of an internal nature (e.g., postage, copies, etc.) may be <br />reimbursed on a usage log which shows the units, times the rate being charged. The rates must be <br />reasonable. <br />Indirect costs: If the contract specifies that indirect costs will be paid based on a specified rate, then <br />the calculation should be shown. <br />The "Reference Guide for State Expenditures" prepared by the Florida Department of Financial <br />Services can be found at this web address: http:/ euide.htm <br />-16- <br />