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AL <br />Document A310 TM - 2010 <br />Conforms with The American Institute of Archit.,cts AIA Document 310 <br />Bid Bond <br />CONTRACTOR: SURETY: <br />(Name, legal status and address) (Name, legal status and principal placer fhresitaets) <br />Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America <br />Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc One Tower Square This document has Important <br />13901 NW 118 Ave Hartford CT 06183 legal consequences. Consultation <br />Miami FI_ 33178 Mailing Address for Notices with an attorney Is encouraged <br />(Same as Above) with respect to its completion or <br />modification. <br />OWNER: <br />(Nanx, legal status mrd neAlhw) <br />Indian River County <br />1800 27th Street <br />Vero Beach FI. <br />BOND AMOUNT: 5% <br />32960 <br />Five Percent of Amount Bid <br />PROJECT: <br />f,4anx, location or address. and Project namber ifa;ty <br />Any singular reference to <br />Contractor, Surety, Owner or <br />other party shall be considered <br />plural where applicable. <br />66TH AVENUE ROADWAY WIDENING (49TH STREET TO 69TH STREET)- IRC -1505 - Bid No. 2021018 <br />The Contractor and Surety arc bound to the Owner in the amount set forth above, for the payment of which the Contractor and Surety bind <br />themselves, their heirs, axceutors, administrators, successors and assigns. jointly and severally, as provided herein. The conditions of this <br />Bond arc such that if the Owner accepts the bid of the Contractor within the time specified in the bid documents, or within such time period <br />as may be agreed to by the Owlur and Contractor, and the Contractor either (I) enters into a contract with tie Ow1ur in accordance with <br />the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specified in die bidding or Contract Documents, with a surety admitted in <br />the jurisdiction of the Project and otheniise occeptablo to the Owner, for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt <br />payment of tabor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof. or (2) pays to the Owner the ditTerence, not to exceed the amount of <br />this Bond, behnroen the amount spccitied in said bid and such larger aniount for which the Owner may in good faith contract with another <br />p5rty to perhirm (tie work coitircd by said bid, dun this obligntion shalt be null and void, ollieroisc to remain in furl force and erect. Ttie <br />Surely hereby waives any notice cel' ¢n agreement bel%vecn the O>vntr and Contractor to extend the time in which the Owner may accept Ilse <br />bid. U uiher of notice by the Surety shall not apply to any extension exceeding sixty (60) days in the aggregate be)tind the time titer <br />acceptance of bids specilicd in the bid documents, and the Owner and Contractor shalt obtain the Surely',; consent Cur an extciisiun beyond <br />sixty (60) days. <br />If this Bond is issued in connection With a subeontraetoes bid to a Contractor, the tern Contractor in this Bond shall be deemed to be <br />Subcontractor and the term Owner shall bc.deemed to be Contractor. <br />When this flund has been furnished to comply with a slahitury or other legul requirement in tie locution of the Project, any pmstisiiun in <br />this Hund contlicting %%ith said statutory or legal requirement Shull too deemeddeteted heretiom and pr o.•ision%cuntottming to such <br />statutory tir other legal requirement shall be deemed irscirpurrted herein. When so Punished, tie isitent is that this Mond shall he construed <br />us a statutory hand and not as a common law bond. <br />Signed and scaled this 17th day of February. 2021 <br />140.2 <br />rll <br />(frinrecv) Olga Iglesias <br />S-00541AS 8110 <br />Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc <br />(Prilidpal) (Sea/) <br />13y -,- <br />(7711,) <br />y:(7111,) i—E� tU� h r tJe�nflit� trtue t , r' <br />Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America <br />01— 09 ftie(l) <br />By. <br />Mlle) ares i Nielson Attorney -in -Fact <br />Surety Phone No. 860.277-0111 <br />