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The. entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives; <br />partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents, who are active in management of the entity <br />have the following relationships with a County (bmmissioner or. County employee: <br />Name of Affiliate Name of (bunty Commissioner lelationship <br />or entity or employee <br />i <br />(9gnature) Daniel I. Halley P.E. <br />February 24, 2021 <br />(Date) <br />SrATEOF Florida <br />OOt1NTYOF Miami -Dade <br />Shorn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by means of ® physical presence or ❑ online <br />notarization, this Feb. 24 day of 2021 , by Daniel I. Halley P.E. a of <br />person making statement). i <br />*e r� �o� a Flor>da <br />my Carxrlfssf0n HH 042198 <br />EWNW 061/42024 <br />( nature of Not <br />(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) <br />9 who is personally known to me or ❑ who has produced <br />as identification: <br />II <br />Sworn Statement of Disclosure of Relationships - 00452-2: ; <br />F IPublic WorkSIENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECTS11505.66T Aye Widemng 49th St to 69th SM-Admn'.EW DocumenLs%Master Contract Dot�men2s\DIV 0_2_eiddtng Docuntents.doca <br />