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CHASE <br />February 12, 2021 <br />HALLEY ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS. INC. <br />13901 NW 118TH AVE <br />MEDLEY, FL 331783141, USA <br />RE: HALLEY ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS, INC. <br />To whom it may concern: <br />This letter is being delivered to you to provide information on the Company's banking relationship with <br />JPMorgan Chase Bank,. N.A (the "Bank"). <br />We can hereby confirm that HALLEY ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS, INC. has maintained accounts at the <br />Bank since November 20th, 2019 with average balances in the low to moderate 8 figures and has operated the <br />accounts in a satisfactory manner. <br />Please be advised that this letter refers only to facts as they of the date of this tetter and the Bank <br />shall have no duty or obligation to inform the addressee hereof of any future changes in such facts. This <br />letter is solely for the benefit of the addressee hereof for the referenced purpose, and may not be relied on <br />by any other person or for any other purpose. <br />Sincerely, <br />Daniel J Salazar <br />Relationship Executive <br />JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. <br />305-579-9364 <br /> <br />IMPORTANT INFORMATION: J P Morgan and Chase are marketing names for certain businesses of JPMorgan Chase 8 Co <br />("JPMC") and its subsidiaries worldwide. Products and services may be provided by banking affiliates, securities affiliates or other <br />JPMC affiliates or entities. Any examples used are generic. hypothetical and for illustration purposes only Prior to making any <br />financial or investment decisions, a client or prospect (-Client- or "you as the context may require) should seek individualized advice <br />from financial, legal, tax and other professional advisors that take into account all of the particular facts and circumstances of the <br />Client's own situation. In no event shall JPMC or any of its directors. officers, employees or agents be liable for any use of, for any <br />decision made or action taken in reliance upon or for any.tnaccuracies or errors tn. or omissions from information to this content We <br />are not acting as any Client's agent, fiduciary or advisor, including, without limitation, as a Municipal Advisor under the Securities <br />and Exchange Act of 193 JPMC assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever to any Client with respect to such matters, and <br />nothing herein shall amend or override the terms and conditions in the agreement(s) between JPMC and any Client or other person. <br />©2020 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved JPMorgan Chase Bank, N A Member FDIC All services are subject to <br />appilcable laws and regulations and service terms. <br />ABOUT THIS MESSAGE This letter gives you updates and information about your JPMC relationship <br />