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SURETY BONDS <br />iPi5►; MANAGEMENT <br />CONSTRUCTION INSURANCE <br />NH6 NELSON HOOVER GROUP <br />WEL SON HOOVER t COMPANY <br />COLUNSWORTH ALTER FOWLER a FRENCH <br />N14C,. SIPECIALTf February 11, 2021 <br />Indian River County <br />1800 27th Street' <br />Vero Beach, FL 3296o <br />RE: HALLEYF-NGINEERING CON7RACTORS, INC. <br />66TH AVENUE ROADWAY .WIDENING (49TI1 STREET TO 69TH STREET) <br />Bid No. 2021018 County Project No. IRC -1505 <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />Please be advised that we are the bonding agents for Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc. They are <br />currently bonded by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America which carries an A. M. <br />Best Rating of A++ (Superior) — Class XV and is listed in the Department of the Treasury's Federal <br />Register. <br />Based upon normal and standard underwriting criteria at the time of the request, we sbould be in a <br />position to provide Performance and Payment Bonds for Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc. If <br />requested to do so, we are in a position to consider bonding single projects of approximately <br />$309,000,000 with an aggregate program of approximately $76o,000,000. It must be <br />understood, however, that we reserve the right to review all contractual documents prior to final <br />commitment to issue any bonds. <br />Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc. is an excellent contractor and we hold them in very high <br />regard. I extend my highest Tecommendation for Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc. We feel <br />extremely confident in their ability and encourage you to offer them an opportunity to execute any <br />upcoming projects. <br />This letter is not an assumption of liability, nor is it a 'Bid or Performance and Payment Bond. It is <br />issued only as a bonding reference requested. by our respected client. <br />If I can provide any additional assurance and/or assistance, please feel free to contact me. <br />Sinc ely� <br />Z4 <br />Charles J. Nielson, Resident Agent <br />Y 'A 5...c NA .4 1; ijc if i 3J= 71i lOt- S�64F V, <br />