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Indian River County Purchasing Division <br /> <br />ADDENDUM NO. 1 <br />Issue Date: January 7, 2021 <br />Project Name: 66th Ave Widening (49th St to 69th St) — IRC -1505 <br />Bid Number: 2021018 <br />Bid Opening Date: February 3, 2021 <br />This addendum is being released to provide information to attend the pre-bid meeting via Zoom, and <br />answer questions received to date. The information and documents contained in this addendum are <br />hereby incorporated in the invitation to bid. This addendum must be acknowledged where indicated on <br />the bid form, or the bid will be declared non-responsive. <br />Pre -Bid Meeting Link: <br />To facilitate social distancing, bidders are encouraged to attend the MANDATORY pre-bid meeting <br />remotely by clicking:*/7837260776 <br />Call 772-226-1416 if you need assistance logging in. Note the meeting will not be initiated until <br />approximately 10 minutes prior, and all attendees will be placed in the waiting room until entry is <br />granted. Attendees will be individually added, after their contact information has been provided and <br />entered by County staff into the sign -in sheet. <br />Questions and Answers <br />1. For bonding purposes may you please provide the Engineers Cost Estimate. <br />The Engineers Estimate is $34,171,848.35. <br />2. Does Engineer Cost Estimate include the Force Account? <br />The Force Account will be $3,500,000.00, which is not included in the above Engineers Estimate. <br />Please see Section 01024 for further information about applicability of these funds. <br />3. Is there any wage determination for this job? <br />No <br />4. How long does it take to review shop drawings? <br />Review times will be in accordance with Section 01340 — Submittal of Shop Drawings of the <br />specifications, specific review turnaround will be dependent upon the size, complexity, <br />completeness and quality of the shop drawing submittal package that is being reviewed. <br />5. Is possible to download from internet the following file: "Geotechnical Engineering Services Report <br />