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Indian River County Property Appraiser <br />www,ircpa:orq <br />Request for Parcel Split or Combination <br />SPLIT 0 COMBINE M <br />A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J,R. SMITH, CLERK <br />PARCEL NUMBER(S) OR TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) <br />33403000000500000009:1 33403100000100000006:.1 <br />834031000001000 1 00003.3 <br />33403100004000100001.0 <br />33403100000300000001.0 Overall Site Address: 1701 Old Dixie Hwy SW <br />*Does the request require a survey? If so, is that provided? Yes <br />*Does a Unity of Title exist on the parcel(s) above? <br />*If yes, has a Release of Unity of Title been recorded? <br />Signature (Comm.Dev.Rep) <br />Yes <br />[Me <br />Office (County or municipality) <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE. <br />Date <br />Pursuant to Florida Statute 197:192,;the Property Appraiser's Office -Will not split or <br />cobibine,parcels until all taxes due or delinquent have been paid to the Tax Collector. <br />It should also be noted that a parcel split/combination by the Property Appraiser is for taxation -purposes only. and <br />does not imply suitability for parcel development. Please contact the appropriate land development or planning <br />and zoning department of your jurisdiction for questions concerning property development. <br />HOMESTEAD/NON-HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES AFFECTED BY ASSESSMENT LIMITATION <br />I/We understand that splitting or combining property may increase taxes by affecting existing capped <br />values. If you choose to reverse the process at a future date, the cap will not be restored to its former level. <br />PROPERTY APPRAISER TO BE HELD HARMLESS <br />It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure all prior or current tax amounts on any parcels being split or combined with any other <br />parcels are paid in full to the Tax Collector. This agency is not responsible for any delinquent taxes, penalties, or interest that <br />could occur and accrue due to negligence on the part of the property owner, the owner's representatives, or other parties when <br />requesting parcel splits or combinations. Furthermore, if the property is encumbered by a mortgage, it is the owner's responsibility <br />to seek prior approval from the mortgage company for any changes to the property involving a split or combination. <br />If this request is being presented by anyone other than the owner, a Power of Attorney or a Letter of Authorization from the owner <br />must besupplied. <br />By signing below, whether by the owner or the owner's represerttaiv ihne� <br />v.' <br />aforementioned and availed themselves of the opportunity to,eslk.anyGque: <br />prior to this action being requested. F { <br />Signature <br />E. Flescher, Chairman, Board of <br />772-226-1244 Circuit Court and Comptroller <br />—. Enri1: <br />—("7j r9 <br />peputy claht <br />owledges they have read and understand the <br />clarification, or obtain additional information <br />Date: May 11, 2021 <br />of Indian River County, Florida <br /> <br />