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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />EXHIBIT "A" TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT <br />Prepared by and return to: <br />Catherine D. Reischmann, Esq. <br />111 N. Orange Ave., Suite 2000 <br />Orlando, FL 32802 <br />DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND RESTRICTION <br />THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND RESTRICTION (the "Declaration"), is made <br />and entered into on this day of , 2021, by and between THE SCHOOL <br />BOARD OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, a Florida political subdivision, of 6500 57th <br />Street, Vero Beach, FL 32967 (hereinafter referred to as "Declarant"), and INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, of 1801 27ah Street, Vero Beach, <br />FL 32960 (hereinafter referred to as "County"). <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner in fee simple of certain real property located in Indian River <br />County, Florida more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof <br />(hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, at County's request, Declarant has voluntarily agreed to impose a specific covenant <br />and restriction limiting the use of the Property. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that the Property shall be held, transferred, <br />sold, conveyed, leased, and mortgaged subject to the following covenant and restriction which shall run <br />with the Property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the Property, their <br />heirs, successors and assigns. <br />1. Covenant and Restriction. Declarant hereby declares, creates and imposes a restrictive <br />covenant limiting the primary use of the Property to recreational activities, youth related activities, or <br />otherwise charitable activities. This covenant does not limit or prohibit the construction of any legally <br />permitted buildings or structures which are in furtherance of the permitted primary uses or charitable <br />purposes. Provided, however, that in the event the Declarant determines to finance educational facilities located <br />on the Property through the issuance of Certificates of Participation or other financing structure, such restriction <br />shall not be in effect due to the use of the Property for other purposes during the term of any ground lease entered <br />into by the Declarant to finance educational facilities located on the Property under the Declarant's master lease - <br />purchase finance program as the result of an event of default under the master trust agreement related thereto. <br />