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• Tax Abatement Application Review <br />In accordance with the provisions of the tax abatement ordinance, planning staff coordinated with the <br />County Attorney's Office, the Property Appraisers Office (PAO), and the Indian River County Chamber <br />of Commerce to process/review the Diamond Drinks of Florida, Inc. tax abatement application. <br />Specifically, the County Attorney's Office completed an expedited due diligence review of the company <br />and in conjunction with planning staff prepared a proposed ordinance and tax abatement agreement; the <br />Chamber of Commerce completed an Economic Impact Analysis report (see attachment 6); and the <br />PAO prepared an estimate of revenue that would be lost to the County for the current fiscal year if the <br />tax abatement were granted (see attachment 7). <br />The County's Economic Development Council (EDC) reviewed the application at their March 16, 2021 <br />regular meeting. Although a quorum was not present, the consensus of the EDC members present was <br />to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approve the requested tax abatement. <br />The BCC is now to review and make a decision on the Diamond Drinks of Florida, Inc. tax abatement <br />application and proposed ordinance and agreement; taking into consideration the Chamber of <br />Commerce and PAO reports, the EDC recommendation, staff's analysis contained in this agenda item, <br />and other factors the BCC may consider. <br />ANALYSIS <br />As structured, the County's tax abatement ordinance authorizes the BCC, at its sole discretion, to grant <br />qualifying businesses an exemption from certain ad valorem taxes (property taxes) for a period of up to <br />10 years. Under the ordinance, the BCC may exempt (abate) up to 100% of the assessed value of new <br />real property improvements and newly installed tangible personal property for purposes of assessing <br />"County taxes". Consistent with the tax abatement ordinance, the "County taxes" that will be abated for <br />the Diamond Drinks of Florida, Inc. project are those taxes associated with the General Fund, the <br />Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU), and the Emergency Services District Fund. No other taxes, <br />such as School District taxes or taxes levied for the payment of bonds, are affected by tax abatement. <br />For the 2020/2021 budget year, the combined amount of the 3 "County taxes" referenced above <br />comprises approximately 47.8% of the property tax bill for the subject properties within unincorporated <br />county. <br />Qualifying for Tax Abatement <br />Consistent with state statutes, the County's tax abatement program is an economic development <br />incentive available for business expansion projects and new business projects that qualify under the <br />terms of the tax abatement ordinance. In this case, the proposed Diamond Drinks of Florida, Inc. is a <br />new manufacturer in the County that will manufacture plastic bottles and fruit flavored juices. The <br />company will employ fifty (5 0) people. Per the tax abatement ordinance, a new manufacturing business <br />that employees at least ten (10) or more new : full-time employees is eligible to apply to the program. <br />Since Diamond Drinks of Florida, Inc. proposes to hire fifty (50) employees, its facility qualifies for tax <br />abatement consideration under the terms of the tax abatement ordinance (see page 3 of attachment # 1). <br />2 <br />C:\Users\legistar\AppData\Local\Temp\BCLTechnologies\easyPDF 8\@BCL@880E2271\@BCL@880E2271.doc <br />