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Mr. Himanshu Mehta. P. E. <br />4 May 2021 <br />Page 6 <br />• Previously submitted information; and <br />• Identification of applicable requirements. <br />Geosyntec will describe the additional emission unit (i.e., the evaporator) for the IRCL facility, and <br />calculate the emissions of air pollutants expected to be released into the environment by its <br />operation. Geosyntec will complete the required FDEP Form 62-210.900(1) and prepare a <br />transmittal letter(s) to FDEP that summarizes the permit modification application package. <br />Task 3.2: Response to Re2ulatory Comments <br />Following.;submittal of the permit revision application, Geosyntec will meet with the SED office of <br />the FDEP :DARM to present and discuss the application package. This meeting will be held via <br />teleconference in order to reduce overall costs to the project. Geosyntec will provide FDEP with <br />written responses to RAls throughout the course of the permit application review process. For the <br />purpose of the budget estimate, Geosyntec has estimated one response to FDEP RAI will be <br />required. <br />Geosyntec will also review and provide comments on the draft Title V Modified (Revised) Permit <br />issued by FDEP to ensure that it is consistent with the facility requirements and does not contain <br />unexpected compliance and monitoring requirements. <br />SCHEDULE <br />Geosyntec will proceed with the implementation of this scope of services immediately upon receipt <br />of authorization to proceed from SWDD. Geosyntec anticipates submitting the solid waste <br />application to FDEP by 30 June 2021 assuming a start date of 18 May 2021. The Title V Air <br />application is anticipated to be submitted to FDEP by 16 July 2021. Geosyntec has assumed that the <br />required permits will be obtained within about two to three months of submission to FDEP. <br />Responses -to FDEP comments will be performed during this period. Therefore, it is anticipated that <br />the permit :modifications for the Project will be issued by September/October 2021. <br />Geosyntec will work with SWDD to refine the project schedule and set the milestones necessary to <br />meet the needs of the Project. Throughout the duration of the Project, Geosyntec will work <br />diligently to meet those milestones and the schedule developed for the Project. <br />BUDGET ESTIMATE <br />Geosyntec proposes to perform the above -referenced work on a lump surn basis for $64,891.96. A <br />budget estimate for the scope of work outlined in Phases 1 through 3 of this proposal is summarized <br />in the following table, and a detailed budget estimate is provided as Attachment A. <br />NCP2021-3108_. IL210261Proposal for Class I Landfill Engineering Permitting Services_ Revised <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />