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A discussion followed on Special Magistrate Young's invoice, the billing hours, the <br />time spent on each task, past practices, and staff time. <br />Commissioner Earman came forward and proposed withholding payment of Special <br />Magistrate Young's invoice. He suggested sending a letter to the Ms. Young <br />indicating the Board's disappointment in the tardiness of the recommendations and <br />the invoice amount. Request that Ms. Young submit an itemized invoice and adjust <br />her bill; taking into consideration the tardiness of the written recommendations, the <br />costs incurred by the County and the Value Adjustment Board, and the interest <br />accrued. <br />MOTION was made by Commissioner Earman, SECONDED by Vice Chairman <br />Heckman, the Board voted unanimously to: 1) withhold payment to Special <br />Magistrate Young; 2) send a letter to Special Magistrate Young indicating the <br />Board's disappointment in the tardiness of the recommendations, the invoice amount <br />compared to other magistrate billings from previous years, and a reminder of the <br />contractual requirements to provide the written recommendations timely; 3) request <br />that Special Magistrate Young provide an itemized invoice detailing the hours and <br />time spent on each task; and 4) request that Special Magistrate Young adjust her bill; <br />taking into consideration the tardiness of the written recommendations, the costs <br />incurred by the County and the Value Adjustment Board, and the interest accrued. <br />10. PUBLIC COMMENT <br />11. OTHER BUSINESS <br />12. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1:56 p.m. <br />Value Adjustment Board Final Meeting Agenda - 2020 Tax Year Page 5 <br />April 15, 2021 <br />