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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final May 11, 2021 <br />discuss the legal process involving estates and transferring property ownership. <br />Mr. Smith also provided contact information to Ms. Clark, and he agreed to do <br />what he could to move the process along swiftly to avoid foreclosure action. <br />The Board reached consensus to grant a 180 -day extension on the foreclosure <br />action at 4776 34th Avenue, and to direct staff to work with Ms. Connie Clark on a <br />36 -month payment plan agreement to collect fees that were due to the County. <br />C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS <br />12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS <br />A. Community Development <br />B. Emergency Services <br />C. General Services <br />D. Human Resources <br />12.D.1. 21-0492 Addition of SurgeryPlus Benefit as Optional Benefit for Individuals Insured on <br />the County's Group Health Plan <br />Recommended Action: Staff respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the <br />addition of the SurgeryPlus benefit under the Fixed Fee pricing model, <br />authorize staff to negotiate an agreement as approved by the County Attorney <br />and County Administrator, and authorize the Chairman of the Board to execute <br />the agreement. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Proposal Overview <br />Sample Agreement - City of Sebring <br />Human Resources Director Suzanne Boyll referred to staffs memorandum <br />dated May 2, 2021, to discuss the SurgeryPlus Benefit, which would realize an <br />estimated annual cost savings of $298,000-$695,000 to the County's Health <br />Plan. She made it clear that all covered members would be eligible for the $0 <br />out-of-pocket cost benefit, and they would also have the option to continue <br />utilizing the Florida Blue network. <br />Vice Chairman O'Bryan requested to see a list of physicians and hospitals that <br />were participating in the SurgeryPlus network, and he inquired about why <br />surgeons would accept a lesser dollar amount for their services. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 5 <br />