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Treasure Coast Homelss Services Council, Inc.
Subrecipient Award Agreement for homeless rental assistance and
homeless management information system
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Pre -award Costs for Continuum of Care Planning <br />The Recipient may, at its own risk, incur pre -award costs for continuum of care planning. <br />awards, after the date of the HUD selection notice and prior to the start date of the award budget <br />Period/performance period, if such costs: a) are consistent with 2 CFR 200.458; and b) would be <br />allowable as a post -award cost; and c) do not exceed 10 percent of the total funds obligated to this <br />award. The incurrence of pre -award costs in anticipation of an award imposes no obligation on HUD <br />either to make the award, or to increase the amount of the approved budget, if the award is made for <br />less than the amount anticipated and is inadequate to cover the pre -award costs incurred. <br />These provisions apply to all Recipients: <br />The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and may be amended <br />only in writing executed by HUD and the Recipient. <br />The budget period/performance period of renewal projects funded by this Agreement will <br />begin immediately at the end of the budget period/performance period (or final operating year for <br />Supportive Housing Program (SHP) and Shelter Plus Care (S+C) grants being renewed for the first <br />time) under the grant agreement being renewed. Eligible costs incurred between the end of <br />Recipient's budget period/performance period (or final operating year for SHP and S+C grants being <br />renewed for the first time) under the grant agreement being renewed and the date this Agreement is <br />executed by both parties may be reimbursed with Grants Funds from this Agreement. No Grant <br />Funds for renewal projects may be drawn dorm by Recipient before the end date of the project's <br />budget period/performance period (or final operating year for SHP and S+C grants being renewed for <br />the. first time) under the grant that has been renewed. <br />The Recipient must complete the attached "Indirect Cost Rate Schedule" and return it to <br />HUD with this Agreement. The Recipient must provide HUD with a revised schedule when any <br />change is made to the rate(s) included in the schedule. The schedule and any revisions HUD <br />receives from the Recipient will be incorporated into and made part of this Agreement, provided that <br />each rate included satisfies the applicable requirements under 2 CFR part 200 (including appendices). <br />This Agreement shall remain in effect until the earlier of 1) written agreement by the parties; <br />2) by HUD alone, acting under the authority of 24 CFR 578.107; 3) upon expiration of the budget <br />period/performance period for all projects funded under this Agreement; or 4) upon the expiration of <br />the period of availability of Grant Funds for all projects funded under this Agreement. <br />HUD notifications to the Recipient shall be to the address of the Recipient as stated in the <br />Recipient's applicant profile in e -snaps. Recipient notifications to HUD shall be to the HUD Field <br />Office executing the Agreement. No right, benefit, or advantage of the Recipient hereunder may be <br />assigned without prior written approval of HUD. <br />The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may be amended <br />only in writing executed by HUD and the Recipient. <br />By signing below, Recipients that are states and units of local government certify that they <br />are following a current HUD approved CHAS (Consolidated Plan). <br />This agreement is hereby executed on behalf of the parties as follows: <br />
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