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Task 4 - Permitting <br />Through a coordination call with SJRWMD staff, it was acknowledged that the proposed improvements <br />will require an Individual Permit Modification to SJRWMD Permit No.: 141651-1. Stormwater Drainage <br />Modeling will not be required but all Erosion Control measures must be designed and accounted for. <br />A joint application will be required that will include all the necessary environmental applications, <br />reports, plans and documents to be submitted with the modification application. It is also understood <br />the project will require approval from the FDEP under the new 404 Assumed Waters policy. All <br />Environmental permitting design and coordination will be conducted by the COUNTY's selected <br />environmental consultant and provided to MBV as needed for the permit applications process. <br />COUNTY shall be responsible for the payment of permit application fees. <br />Task 5 - Cost Estimates and Pay Items <br />The consultant will produce an Opinion of Probable Cost (OPC) at the 100% design milestone of the <br />project. A summary of pay items sheet shall be prepared and incorporated into the 100% (Final) plans <br />submission. The final plans (signed and sealed) will be provided to COUNTY based upon English units <br />and provided in digital and PDF formats. <br />Task 6 - Bidding Phase <br />The COUNTY shall be responsible for providing the front-end bid documents, bid opening date, <br />advertisement of the bid, scheduling the pre-bid meeting, and scheduling the bid opening. The <br />Consultant will provide the following: <br />• Preparation of civil plan documents for bidding <br />• Attendance at pre-bid meeting <br />• Responses to requests for additional information (RAIs) from bidders <br />NOTE: All construction specifications will be on the applicable Civil plan sheets in lieu of a specifications <br />manual. The Consultant will prepare a pdf file of the final bid package for the COUNTY's use in <br />distribution to prospective bidders via DemandStar. <br />Task 7 - Construction Phase <br />The Consultant shall provide the below services during the Construction Phase. Should additional <br />Construction Services be desired, CONSULTANT can provide COUNTY Amendment to the Work Order <br />for the desired additional services. <br />• Shop drawings review of civil site components <br />• Attendance at one (1) pre -construction meeting <br />• Coordination with COUNTY Planning and Public Works inspection staff for RAIs during construction <br />• RAI coordination with selected contractor <br />• Review of project as-builts provided to CONSULTANT by COUNTY <br />• Certification by E.O.R. to COUNTY, SJRWMD and FDEP for Civil Portion <br />