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City of Vero Beach
1989 Territorial Agreement
Conflict Resolution Meeting
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PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES <br />THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2021 10:00 A.M. <br />CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA <br />PRESENT: <br />CITY OF VERO BEACH Monte Falls, City Manager; John Turner, City Attorney; and Rob Bolton Water, <br />Sewer Director and Tammy Bursick, City Clerk <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Jason Brown, County Administrator; Dylan Reingold, County Attorney; and <br />Vincent Burke, County Utilities Director <br />This meeting is being held pursuant to Section 164.1053(1), Florida Statutes to discuss the 1989 Service <br />Area Agreement. <br />Mr. John Turner, City Attorney, stated that this is a meeting of the City and County staff members <br />consisting of Monte Falls, City Manager; John Turner, City Attorney and Rob Bolton, Water and Sewer <br />Director. The people representing Indian River County at today's meeting are Jason Brown, County <br />Administrator, Dylan Reingold, County Attorney and Vincent Burke, County Utilities Director. This meeting <br />was requested pursuant to the City of Vero Beach. It is initiated through the adoption of a Resolution <br />requesting that the parties engage in Chapter 164 proceedings. They have agreed to conduct the meeting <br />this morning at 10:00 a.m., on June 24, 2021. He said that a conflict has developed as the result of the <br />application of the 1989 territorial agreement that was entered into between the City of Vero Beach and <br />Indian River County. It was for the service areas outside of the County's service areas and located on the <br />barrier island. In particular the areas are South Beach and the Town of Indian River Shores (being referred <br />to as the Town). The results revolve around the use of the term of the territorial agreement. There are <br />certain revisions in the agreement addressing that it will be on a permanent basis and there is no <br />provisions in the agreement stating a term of other than it is permanent. The City's position is that it is in <br />existence and in full affect at this time. He will not summarize what the County's position is, but it is <br />contrary to that. <br />Mr. Turner addressed Chapter 164. He said it is a process that the State Legislature has required that if <br />there is a dispute between governmental entities that they try to resolve the matter without going to <br />litigation. The specific directions from the Legislature are to first meet on a staff level, which is what they <br />are doing now to try and resolve the matters. Then if they are unsuccessful at that attempt then the <br />parties will meet with their respective Boards at a public meeting and then if that is not successful then <br />they meet with a mediator to try and resolve the matters. He said all three (3) of those steps have to be <br />completed prior to any litigation being filed. He said both parties are here today to try to discuss this and <br />see if there is a way that they can resolve their differences. For purposes of this meeting he has made <br />copies of some of the documents (on file in the City Clerk's office) that they all probably have, but will <br />make them available in case anyone needs them. He passed out copies of the minutes from the joint <br />meeting of April 20, 1989, where both the County Commission and the City Council met to discuss this. <br />He had both sets of minutes that were prepared by the City and the County. He provided copies of the <br />minutes from the August 15, 1989, City Council meeting and minutes from the County Commission <br />meeting held on September 19, 1989, where they adopted the territorial agreement. He also had a copy <br />of the large map that was attached to the agreement if anyone would like to see it. <br />Page 1 June 24, 2021 Conflict Resolution Minutes <br />
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