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(1) An ISO 11143 or ANSUADA Standard No. 108 certified amalgam separator or <br />equivalent device shall be installed for each dental vacuum suction system on <br />or before July 14, 2020; provided, however, that all dental facilities that are <br />newly constructed on and after the effective date of this section shall include <br />an installed ISO 11143 or ANSUADA Standard No. 108 certified amalgam <br />separator device. The installed device must be ISO 11143 or ANSUADA <br />Standard No. 108 certified as capable of removing a minimum of 95 percent <br />of amalgam. The amalgam separator system shall be certified at flow rates <br />comparable to the flow rate of the actual vacuum suction system operation. <br />Neither the separator device nor the related plumbing shall include an <br />automatic flow bypass. For facilities that require an amalgam separator that <br />exceeds the practical capacity of ISO 11143 test methodology, a non -certified <br />separator will be accepted, provided that smaller units from the same <br />manufacturer and of the same technoloav are ISO -certified. <br />(2) Proof of certification and installation records shall be submitted to the <br />Director, within 30 days of installation. <br />(3) Amalgam separators shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturer <br />recommendations. Installation, certification, and maintenance records shall be <br />available for immediate inspection upon request therefor by the <br />superintendent or designee during normal business hours. Records shall be <br />maintained for a minimum of three vears. <br />(c) Facilities with vacuum suction systems that meet all the following conditions may <br />apply to the superintendent for an exemption to the requirements of subsection <br />(b) of this section: <br />1) The system is a dry vacuum pump system with an air -water separator. <br />(2) The sedimentation tank is non -bottom draining, with the drain above the <br />anticipated maximum level of accumulated sludge. <br />(3) Evidence of regular pump outs by a licensed hauler (a minimum of once a <br />year, or more often if either directed by the manufacturer or necessary to keep <br />solids from exiting through the drain) is maintained and open to inspection by the <br />superintendent during normal business hours. <br />(4_) The system has no direct discharge pipe to the sewer on the bottom of the <br />sedimentation tank. <br />An owner or operator whose facility meets conditions (1) through (4) may apply <br />for this exemption by written letter to the Director. The Director will review the <br />system and, if the exemption is approved, shall provide a written letter of <br />exemption. <br />