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n - <br />CA5 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Circuit <br />Oourt, in determining the basic and minimum price for which the <br />lands hereinafter described shall be offered for sale, shall com- <br />pute the area of each of said parcels and the total area of the <br />parcel or lot of which it is a part, obtain the pereentage that <br />the area, of which dedication to herewith revoked, bears to the <br />total area of the parcel or lot of which it is a part; said per- <br />centage shall thereupon be applied to the total base or minimum <br />pries fixed by law for said entire parcel or tat, and the result <br />shall be the minimum price for which said parcel, dedication of <br />which is herewith revoked, shall be offered for sale. <br />BH IT FURTHER RKSOLVED, that the parcels of property, <br />the dediootion or which 1s and hereby revoked, are those <br />parcels et' property situated in Northwood Subdivision, a subdlyi- <br />sion in Indian River County, Florida, as per recorded Plat thereon, <br />and as Specifically described as follows, to -wit, <br />Lots 11 to lis, Inclusive, Block 1, and Lots 16 to 20, <br />Inelusive, and lasts 26 to 29, inclusive, ,flock 2, of <br />Northwood Subdivi x ion, as per plat thereof recorded <br />In Plat Book 1, at page 64, of the Public Records In <br />the office of the Clerk of the circuit Court or Indian <br />River County, Florida., <br />