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cq� <br />compute the area of onch of said parcels and the total area of <br />the parcel or lot of which It Is a part, obtain the porcentACe <br />that the arca, of which (ledication, is herewith revoked, boavq <br />to the totnl nron of the parcel or lot of whicli it in a part <br />said percentage ilittll thereupon be Appliod to the total boa" or <br />minimum prico fixed by law for cold entire parcel or lot, and the <br />result nhall, be the minimum price for which said parcel, dod,1- <br />cntion of which 1n herowlth r0vo','"d, 11'all be ofrered for nalo. <br />TIL: IT 14VIMM11 PPSOLV"d thrlt thea parcola of propart7, <br />tho dodicotion of ithich to berawith And heroby ra*,tolcod, are those <br />Parcels or property atttznted in tho City of nobamtlAn In InJisn <br />River Ce),.jnty, Florldb, On Vvr rt#t-nr-.!ti(j plat Qiorp,W, Anil an Spocl- <br />rel low ' to-rlt. <br />P01=Otto tvtnuo Intersects <br />thf� '!Out 11"A Or ItAllroftt) <br />way thenar run vaztolrly Along tbo flrfttt!� lAn"', <br />or 11a Otto Avoria" t�"' -,*oat, 1411tt of Laulalnna <br />1,V00U4, lq') aoathArl-) Along thtl <br />"lost llna tvenum root, ffvlrv.Y <br />