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Q <br />Parcel No, 4 Right of Way SRD No. 4 <br />That portion of <br />lot 26 of Kansas City Colony according to flat Book 4, Page 23 in <br />the Public Records of 5t. Lucie County, Florida, <br />lying witnin 50 feet of the survey line or section 8m—ioix State flood AIA, said <br />survey line being described With reference to said Section 34 as followat <br />Cowancinm at a Point on said survey line which to 224.#4 root rest or the south— <br />west corner or tna :)::� of said Section 31#, run thanto Porth 16,5803211 Wast along <br />said GurYo7 line a distance of 10el.20 feat to the ber,1nnLn8 or a curve, concave <br />to the Westerly and having, a radius of 290--93 foot And a total central anglo of <br />6*51.1; run thance along said curve 345,0 feet to Lim end of said curve, run thence <br />North 23*521321f West 229.18 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the east— <br />erly and braving a radius of 2864.93 feet ml a total central angle of 5'301, run <br />thence alf-rij <br />8 sail curve 275.0 feet to the and of said curve, run thoace t.orth <br />1kti*2213211 *Jest 328.34 foot to tho barinning of a curvy concave to the Westerly and <br />havirW, 4 radius of 5729.65 feat and a total central "I* or 2*oo.130% run thence <br />Along said curve 211'!.5 foot t4 the end or said curve, run t4tonce Vartit 2ta*271021' <br />Wast, 776.81 rw:t to 0to haginnito, at a curve, concave to the Snotorly and having <br />a radius of 5729.65 re,.A., and a total central nnglo or 5*301; rum thence along <br />said curve $50.0 f -it 1-0 the end of said CUM4, rein t4ame Mortli 1415710211 Wast <br />& d"tAn" Or 1757-11a [lot to the point an said survaY It" 40ch is 1372.47 root <br />Ust or do Normniest corner of the WV" of said faction 34. <br />CoAt*,injup. 0.311 of sn acre, sl4rz or leas. <br />T's owned trf LXM hu,Ison oran'*"ttAr. <br />Yarcol No. U 1110A or'toy .1W Ila. 11 <br />Dat vsrtl--ea of <br />14t* 12 Aft'l 1*1 Of 0"'443 MY Colony, Urardito�to I'lost t1ook 1, At page <br />23, Public Uaco"Ja or Wit. Lucie Cototy, Florida <br />IYU18 4thin 50 (114t Of the sUr'AY Una of tAction W-101, Stats RoM AIA, said <br />,survey line to els dgacsIbOd vith rftr#r'4ntq to 04,14 3oction 34 42 rollcvat <br />COrAwlcitw, At A RWht rite -4,14 survey line wAch is 224X4 feet. East of the South- <br />west cc mor of tivt or said .octice 34, run ttonce ;O)rth lt*58IJ21, vast along <br />said rurvay line a 413tame of jr4$11.2S f'e'et to too bvg <br />�Jnnlysr, of n curve, coricavo <br />W the Jqat':rl.( ar"I ItAving 0 radius of 200,.113 relet, and 4 tatrAl central Ariglo of <br />61541; run ttm-0 0-8 said -vivo 345-0 fest W tno '0fo "r U414 curij, mv, th-noo <br />VorLs Id",it 22',0. 18 fist to the Img—Mne ,,sf a, rnmi, eincavo to ins Met— <br />orly 41-1 hav:og a medius of Utf.." rent 10,1 a U',k`l Q-tral -rla of $*300; run <br />tmw.r along unid 'a'urvo 2,15.0 foot t� the Up't of o'4id cL..-vo, rt.i theme north <br />Wear. 326,18 ;fust to tn�. a tjs-v,j F'o thea WootorIy and <br />having; a radius of ;729.65 foot oryl a total central apgl,t of 2,0j;13Wj min thence <br />along -said curve feYt to tjxq end of aaLd cut,vo, run ttKnco Porth 2U1;r?'U21' <br />West, 776*el CQQL to UIO 10091miln& of 4 curve, concave to, the '4utorly and:awing; <br />a radius of 5729.65 feet, And a total central angbi of 51301, run thence along said <br />curve 550.0 feet to the end of iiaisl curve, run thwice FoAh jh"57102'1 <br />distm,,a of 1757.10 feat to a r=iint on said survey jjnQ .iii0i 13 E4Wt <br />of the flortirmst corner of We !,4,: of said Section 34. <br />Containing 0.72 of an acre, mora or loss. <br />* In owned by Val Uern4rd and jap�ou H. Ul�ernard and i1ra. O.S. W(Arich, taoirm or John <br />W. Harvey, deceased. <br />