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R F 30 L U T 1 0 H <br />WHERM, the laws of the Stats or Florida provide <br />that the County Tay Assessors shall complete the assessment <br />roll on or before the lot Monday in July and shall .reet with <br />this Board at the Clerk's office on such day for the purpose <br />or hearing complaints and receiving Lost many as to the value <br />of any property, real or personal, as fixed by the County Tax <br />Assessor and for the purpose or perfecting, revising and <br />equalizing the assessment roll ant that the County Commlasionere, <br />to they deem it necessary, may extend the time for the completion <br />of Ouch assessment roll awl for thq purpos# cc revising and <br />equalizing the same; AXD, <br />WIGMW, the proparatlon of said assenamont roll has <br />been delayed In this County duo tel the delay In recolving <br />equipment And machinery n*coo*4ry Intho preparation or much <br />,4as*oasent roll atyl for such reason, the County Commissioners <br />or Indian River County 4&-*% It noaftss4r-y to extend the time for <br />such **etlngj NOW, THKWOKU, <br />B'S IT MOLM, that the Llmo In which the TAX <br />Assessor shall etartpleto duh asne"Nownt, roll and shall moat with <br />the board or County C aaeiP,aners for the purpose of a hearing <br />thomon and rot, the purpone -,r perre(,,Ling the same as horeinabove <br />tvcltod, be and it Is harovith extended to and Including August <br />1, 1951�, at 10;00 Wulock A.M., At which time said Board shAll <br />moot for the purpose above net forth. <br />B2 IT PWITM KWOLM, that the Clerk or ute boam <br />In herewith directed to publish a notice as provided by law or <br />this extinelon and or the time or said maeting. <br />