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(1/5) sill upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and is horoby <br />Impexed upon all the property lying and being in the County or <br />Indian River on the first day of January, 1950, for N hjy.jj <br />9WRIX 9=1 UM LQU. <br />to meet the expenses estimated to be ntoossary to be <br />paid out of the EM I f9RZjj= EM the sum of W,5 -00, <br />It is daterainod and hereby declared that a tare rate of tine and <br />TWO -fifths (l 2/5) a111$ upon the dollar be lovledi assessed, <br />Avid ie hereby Imposed upon all the property lyiU and being in <br />the COUnty of Indian River on the first day of JanuAry, 1151, <br />fal the Ift A forfeiture fun€i, to most the current exlsenaea as <br />est1wated In the tmdgat. <br />To soot the expenses estimated to he necasaary to be <br />pall wt of tbo Jail ! t Fund the sum sof 43,097.(V, <br />It Is doteralmod &rad dada td that a tax rato of Two (2) mills <br />upon the dollar t levied, 4s1e33r1 and to hereby lmposad upoq <br />all. the property Ulne snei using in the COU-4tr Of Wien, diver <br />*A tbs filet 40 of January, 190, for the Jail Isprovensont <br />iW to At t the Current expanses as estimated in the budget. <br />A&,�srdlag to the mlllago ss determined, fixed, <br />4a3e3244 the total Rilla;se to ontarod ju the anllu ss provided <br />for the County taxes in the s413e$314ont boll for the year 1950, <br />Is 'ion axuiTwo—tenths (10.2) mills upon the dallar to toyer a <br />total estimated exy6ndituro of f 73080, . <br />