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boundary line dividing Township 32 South and Township 33 <br />South; thence run Nast on the boundary line dividing Township <br />33 South and Township 32 South to the Southwest cornor of <br />Section 36, Towuship 32 South, Range 38 Nast; thena* ran <br />North to the Northwest oornsr of Section 36, 'Township 31 <br />South, Rage 38 Bast; thonce rue 'lost to the Southwest corner <br />of Section 26, Township 31 South, Range 33 Bast; thence run <br />North to the Norut vost corner of Section 23, 'township 31 <br />South, Rang* 38 Hast; Nonce rare Nest to the fiaaing Grant <br />line and the South west corner of 0ovo aoant Lot 3, Soctioa <br />15, Township 32 Sor Ath, Rongo 3tj gast; theitoo roan Northeast <br />along the !Haig Grant line to the Bast cornor of Vieaaiag <br />Grant Soctlon 26, thonco run Northwest to the Dost corner of <br />Vlmdu4 brant Section 271 theaoo run Hurthaast to the North <br />aoruor Of FlOsIlOt Graut Soction EY7; thoncs run Northwest t* <br />the West care*r of TjO^jjjt Grant Sanction 231 thenco run North- <br />east 41004 the boundary line of "i-i V14AIAX Grant boction 23 <br />to the North, bocu:das y Ila* of Indian River CouAtj, Floridai than*# <br />run )easterly, alaaag tits following the hearth bounUry ilnr of <br />Indian River County, flearida, to the Atlantic 00e4ti and the <br />bast bOUAdArY liar of Indian 04nr County, Ylorida; thenco run <br />Southorly* along tbo following the 1a3torly boundary Ilxto of <br />Indian ,liver County, Plerida, to tiro point of beginning. <br />01"US hav^iarg %eon aaa#o by the Hoard of <br />CaaorlaSion*rs tr !a and a cortifiod copy, <br />of Hesolution filed with this board as roquirod by law earl as <br />dstizated by said brur,;1 of CoMwissionurs, it is dateralned acct <br />hereby declared that 0 tax rate of three (3) ailla aspen the <br />dollar be 10vie+d and is hareby fired and asses3al for the year <br />1950 cant all of the proporty in the County of Indian River lying <br />and being 1n the boundaries of 3atd €lobaatiaua Inlet iltgtr.ct, <br />which said boundaries aro as follows, to-wit, All that part <br />