<br />OF
<br />AND
<br />REAR 1 Cd3(arlT OF TNDrMf RIV
<br />minor Chhptor 6,321 of the Wttraordtnary
<br />Boonton of 1149, known as the "Secondary Ploaads As:al,+tanco Act, of
<br />the State Real DepQrUnant will receive 30,f of the pr0000d a
<br />of this t aunty+o ;arorat a ihare= ot, f ho : ova , Mi ; a=gL ,r.,ate a� leaa� tax
<br />to ho used v,*Ju Ivoly by the ould 4opart_rtent, w?t,txtet t'd1 County,
<br />a °.iiEateai by t#:mm.alistt*n :,t thts Rourd or Oolvit,t ?,om,,xtmaton na
<br />tho fartowtnt, ,;,jur,a=:,sa,i« Construct ton, P"non-
<br />atrr,z::t :,a,a,rt.a.n a sa.a,l vopatr of Mato r€atarttl; anet brtrtg e, ttta
<br />ix,aa,s Or CA, tr';� •w>rrssir°t?.ti�? tato reads. tho soelutal-
<br />ti ^an "or r [ tat �f Way ro r :Mote reaads, and tt,,, redo: t i �)n of road
<br />and Wigs atndeb dnes�ar
<br />3.0.VAS, the tut* Head Dep a,rtoont Mata requaat.ed this
<br />county Doar d to doolquato ciao the eurposess for Wti tczh, 4nd»
<br />reads on, Vila CiOuntg°la 80;,� ratm4us jrfto tax Aax�t VmdovaL Ala
<br />84 0 rr it r t Yt1 a ?iii, P',kFr str,aga„t ['ria te�ei tri_i'2C3,rz asx$ ltslsrf',v
<br />meat ”, azrd,e
<br />,01NMU , tares State Road to rnqutrtad ty iuW to
<br />44ont srs annual budget of mainter'saate.'..e ruasl rxr,czotrtac;tlpcra W,ark ria-
<br />signoct to ri;ae all oxoop,t tart jarennt or Its a,nti'c:ttraatoc tnsomo
<br />tj•trteip the year, ah 46dj:,,,Vt must be taxi. uA," tri situ uar?y W -id
<br />adolpted In February of ouch Yarart euid,
<br />vriF4EA , tragi State Road t epurt sent: caaunot 3a' Oaam and
<br />adopt a budget until it has aancortaafnod unci clot ortalnod the desire
<br />of the Board of County Co.aamisaslo:-Isrl, In tlaxx ft3M Of a Resolution,
<br />as to keow titin County's ecvndaary Road funds should be unod, and,
<br />WHEREAS, It is ea3timaated that the total Secondary t'loaad
<br />funds accruing; to this County for the year 1951 will be
<br />from which said sum there will be deducted the sunt of X56,321.06
<br />