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WHIM A , under tete provisions or Chapter 23725, L&*3 of <br />Plorida, Acts of 1947, the Hoard of County Commissioners ax, Indi ;n <br />River County, Florida, is authorized to budget, allocate, appro- <br />priate, expend and convert a sum not to exceed Firtoon Thousand <br />Dollars ($15,000.00) per year of and from the monies received by <br />said Board from dog racing and horse racing, as provided by <br />Chapter .550 of the Florida Statutes, to the constructing, <br />equipping, maintaining and operating; of a public hospital in <br />Indian River County, Florida, and for the providing; of public <br />hospital facilities in Indian River County, Florida, and for pro- <br />viding hospitalization for indigent citizens and residents of said <br />County; and, <br />11HERE:AS, said Board has heretofore entered into a con- <br />tract with thelndian Itiver County Hospital Association, a non- <br />profit corporation under the laws of the State of Florida for <br />providing for such public hospital facilities and such hospitaliza- <br />tion; and, <br />WHEREAS, it is necessary for said Hospital Association <br />to have a declaration from this Board as to the sums of money to <br />be provided by this Board and paid to said Association over a <br />period of the next two (2) years in order that construction of new <br />hospital facilities may be undertaken at this time; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, that this Board does herewith pledge <br />the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000-00) to be budgeted, <br />allocated, appropriated and paid to said Hospital Association for <br />the purposes authorized by said Act during the fiscal year <br />beginning October 1, 1951, and a like stun to be budgeted, allocated <br />and appropriated from said fuxsds for the, same pux,pose during tete <br />fiscal year beginning October 1, 1952, <br />