1:tt 1' RbNVOLM) by the board of Colinty do,amlosioners (it
<br />lz)dian ilivor t`onnty, talool,oa, that s#taUl hoard does taarawtth
<br />independently rotaalaate the hours of gale of nLc>olaolte boverages
<br />within tho territory of Indtaa 111vor Comity, Plorlda, not'
<br />included within any asaruai.cipali:ty, as followa, to -wit:
<br />1. No tal.ceotlolin beverages, t1l t is, ell beverages con-
<br />taining, more than One por coat. {1'';0 of Alcohol by weight, may be
<br />sold, connumed or served or permitted to be served or consumed In
<br />any glace holding a licerwo ru'idor the State Beverage department
<br />of Florida between the bourn of 1:00 o'clock A.t'. and 6.00
<br />o'clock A.M. of each week clay.
<br />2. No alcoholic beverages containing aalcobol of mora
<br />than One nor cont (lye) by weight And notwore than Poaxrtoon per
<br />cent (11.4) by weight and winos, roZardleca of alcohol content,
<br />may be sold, consumed or served or permitted to be served or con-
<br />sumed In any place holding a license under the State Beverage
<br />Department of Florida between the hours of 2100 o'clock A.M. and
<br />1:00 o e c tock P.M. ors Sunday.
<br />3. No alcoholic bovoragea, contaxinint, more than Fourteen
<br />per cont {lit;) cf alcohol by weight except winos, ruL,.ardless of
<br />alcohol content, may be !sold, consumed or served or permitted to
<br />be served or corasru.sed in any place holttlra; a11 co }ase unaies* ttao
<br />State Beverage Department of k'loridea between the hours o2' 2:00
<br />o'clock A.i',t. ;and 5:00 o t elools on Sunday duriag the a,tonths of
<br />January, February, lGarcia and April of each year.
<br />)i. No alcoholic bovoragoa oontalralnq,, ',taoro than-Vourteeu
<br />per carat (11,V,) of alcohol by wo1gtat except wlaaeaa, re ,arclloss of
<br />alcohol content, tttay be sold, consumed or served or l7ormttted to
<br />be served or connu.r,ett in any place holdiralw n lioeaasso under ttad
<br />State Beverage Department; of 11'lorida botwoon 't o hourc or 2,00
<br />ovelocic A.M. on Sunday and 6.0o oacloc!e A.J. c7 r3 the ,`orad€fitfol-
<br />lowing durtupr tl'ae raoratlaaa of ',Tay, :tune., July, t1u„sant., Soptcsaaoor,
<br />October, November and Decc,lbor of each ys)rar.
<br />BR IT t7UEll311'<it Ftt,`:"st7itafi'ix ttaaat tints Tisa: al;at,i:a;s sitttl.i
<br />baco me effective Nay 54 1951, net 1201 of ioc;': at.3::.
<br />