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H90LUTION N0._ 'lb t��ar� <br />all <br />WHERF.AS, pursuant to Chapter 22079,Lawe of Florida, the <br />City of Vero Beach, by its Ronolution, did request the Board of <br />County Conunissioners of Indian River County, Florida, to dedicate <br />the following described property and other lands situated in the <br />City of Vero Beach, Indian Rivor County, Florida, as follows, <br />to -wit ? <br />That portion of Lot 25, Block 3, Vero Beach Estates, <br />according to Plat theroof recorded in the office of <br />the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County, <br />Plorida, in Flat Boole 5, nage 3, described as <br />follows? <br />From the Northwest corner of Lot 25, Block 3, Vero <br />Beach Estates Subdivision, run East on North lino <br />of said Lot 25 for a distance of 9.91 foot for <br />point of beginning. Thonce Southeast for a distance <br />of 1411..93 feet to the South lino of said Lot 25; <br />thonce run mast for a distanco of 11.58 foot to the <br />Southeast cornor of Lot 25; thoneo run North along <br />Past boundary line of Trot 25 for a distance of 32.21 <br />foot; them® run Northwest a distance of 111.513 foot <br />to the North boundary line of Lot 25; thence run <br />West on said lino a distance of 20.21 feet to point <br />of beginning; <br />for public,, use and purposos; and, <br />WIIRRF',AS, pursuant to such request, the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, did, by its Reso- <br />lution, dedicate tho above described proporty for such usesand <br />purposes by the City of Vero Beach, Plorida; and, <br />VAIE;REAS, the City of Vero Beach, Florida, having no <br />present nor prospective need or use for the above described pro - <br />party for public uses and purposes and dostring to evidence such <br />fact and to reloaso its intorent in said property under such <br />dedication to the end that said above described property may be <br />solei or othertivSso disposed of by the Board of County Commissioners <br />of Indian Ri.vor County, Florida, as if said dedication had not <br />been made; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Vero <br />Beach, Florida, that its Resolution hereinbefore mentioned insofar <br />as the stone rofers to tho property hereinbefore described, be and <br />the sar,ie is herewith rovoked, provided, howevor, said Resolution <br />shall remain in full force and effect as to all of}zor pronorty <br />described thoroin. <br />