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<br />i{f:3aI ION
<br />WE XIMAS, puruuant to Resolution I{o, 302., adopted by the City
<br />Couaoil of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, uider date of September 2'j, 1944,
<br />the Board of County Uwasieeionfrd of Indian River County, Florida, did, pur.
<br />suaant to the provisions of Chapter 22079, Laws of elorida, by Revolution
<br />adopted October 3, 1944, and appearing in County Ccauu saioners' Minute Hook
<br />3, at pages 1911 and, 151, dedic&W to public ansa and initponse by the City
<br />of Yom Beach, Ylorli s%,
<br />Lot ) of Block 1, o” Waltdr Xttc41rW,,, Jr. Subdtvision
<br />In Vero Beach, fndian liver County, Florida;
<br />arid,
<br />VKWA3, the C1ty of Vero iaaarh, Ylori , axa (istivarod to thlo
<br />Board a dai,y €mirtifted copy of Dissolution adoptad by the City Council of said
<br />City under masts of Jw utry 22, 391-k2, reciting, °.bat said City his no prmoeut or
<br />prospectiTe use for Public purpowoo of that part of
<br />Lot ` of Blooar 1, of Waltor liitohtu,;la ; 041vtslm
<br />aauorling to plat U vroof rerozded to 111a14 took 4, pale
<br />4
<br />' 'l, A. Lucie Cexrrst.y r000rds, domcrtho,4 an fotimm, to-sitz
<br />t rs
<br />a' Beglmlr4 on a point on the dart bouruiarr itua or Lot
<br />Block 1, Valter ritchinar'o rr&livt.�aion, which to 52.1,71
<br />«louth of tie AB cor'nsr of Asti Lot 5, rias ;forth along the
<br />Uot 1106 or said Lot % a dlaiax a w* +.,407' to thw B"lf
<br />caroer of W4 List % tY.,oade ruts Womt almg the North
<br />b*w)Aary line or asaid Leat 5, a 41istozos of 1?.;r'/', then rujm
<br />Jouthoaotorly 41onit i.lss t*o'i:y bmodnry lit* of €Sc"a
<br />Drive a dist+ of ,3.34' to potnt of baoImSrW.
<br />ax,d relna:lini; alt intsreot, title and data of said. City is arsi to sai«i parml,
<br />and requesting a0€;t autharising dist time Boesrd revoks- its dedicat:toau of said
<br />parcel to publics ude sad irair►rA-o; sari! tlsnrafors,
<br />BY, IT 11 OLYn 't`EiAt' The Board of C oua: Comma i m s i €aker6a of " tai foss
<br />Inver County, Florida, doom herebg revoke its dedtcation or no march of
<br />Lot 5 a Block 1, of Valter Xitcisin✓'e Subdivision
<br />aocordt0go, to plot Uiaroof recorded in flat, hook 4, page
<br />>, ilt. Lucia Coursty recor*So, as is described as rollover,
<br />to-mit.
<br />Begionine at a point oir tlxe oast bows ry line of Lot "a,
<br />Blook 1, Waiter ititchlirWla Subdivialon, whinh is 52.177'
<br />South of the fii, Cornow of said hot °, run north along the
<br />i.'ant liras of said lot a distance of 52.07' to the ECS
<br />Cornu of maid Lot 'j, Ui my sr run :,seat along the Porth
<br />boundary line of Maid lot a distance of 13.6,71, tleace
<br />i -,m Southaaatorly along the P#Aterly boundary line of
<br />Ocean Drive a distance of j3.841 to point of be,glrintsyq,
<br />