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R E 3 0 L U T 1 0 N <br />i. <br />WHEREAS, there will appear on the ballot at the general <br />election in November of this year a propos ed Constitutional Amend- <br />ment relating to counties as political subdivisions of the State <br />of Florida; and, <br />WHEREAS, the said proposed Constitutional knendnent, If <br />adopted, would permit the abolishing of all county officers or the <br />chango In the duties or functions of all county orficers; mid, <br />wfinus, If adopted, said Constitutional Amendmeiit <br />could result in there being sixty -sever, (67) different And <br />unrelated systezma or County GOV61MMOUt In the Stato oV Florida, <br />thus creating 4 Ohaotic Condition and destroying unlfon�,.Ity and <br />81,O)PILCIty of aoverntront; Now. therefore, <br />BE IT RSSOLVED by the soard or cowity com.-assiorzors of <br />Indiar, River County, Florida, that this Board does herewith call <br />to the attention or the voters of Indian River County, norlda, <br />these object ors to said propo3e4 Constitutional Amendment and <br />this Board does respeatruity request and invite the voters of <br />Indian River Col;nty t,,4 give the sum their thought end <br />connldaratlf,�rand ro.,piiats all civic orgenitstions and public <br />bodlea t� rise up in a determined arl concerted notion to cause <br />the defeat or said proposed Constitut-ional, Amendment. <br />M IT FqJRTHkR HBUOtPVkZ that a certified sop; or this <br />Re3olution, be furnished to the Press a,.j Radio or title County. <br />0 <br />