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ME <br />j and "pennon of nurranrlerin -, title to nuie: rights of wa.y 01-10 the <br />Hoard of Gpuatty t'orattatsim;ars ctao9 llctrtsbycovenant and a,, oo that <br />A.11 rttnda aaEtmtin-".^ ::t,ea nonaart,+,,elnr. Por e;ependituro in .t l'.itz2 <br />! l <br />i� itty+:x' (:o+tnty ,-tder the provioiotttt t►?' 1.ot-t1c►o, 16, Artic1u TX Of <br />j Vic ^onatltution of : lorida, Ghaptor :.'6,3r.'li i�r:tr� or Flc -ldaq Act4 <br />tt;a k)ttracrdi!,t:;y :4asit;;. of 1)119, c;' rtirtilfor limp:-'vtll be <br />•. cod by tho :ai:larttaont; to ra.oaburao , '.oalr In mall fol <br />ao attva.noEad, acid t:opartment b tis: ; horalb fully crtnorfarcd :;;:d <br />Eatllthorizod to apply much funds an atoll iv', -.en Mall; Lira ;;a <br />!' the ' ep&rttnsent to roiraburaIn:• t -1;o lopartmant for monim; ao <br />rdrknnod until all monios so advamod are repaid In ^ul:. <br />hK ['f l ,;'iT1':. l;6"'. OLV44), that the ':'tate ti: 0 •io )ur .,,:ant <br />nr t'lor ldv. 1,4 tioreby titat);ori vied, roolplasted rind eripowere6 to <br />advance uiW nay directly till uttch e�oate, runde end expense no <br />w -o fount'. wt► '00 ;7dtidaistary ill (;{)Yl "i4tjo i Wit"., la nr Gon— <br />des wi;tion of the► various rlrl:ts W' gray h(x inabove met rf.r`h find <br />he are ap;)roved for pcgriant by thlu [s;)tird Retina by Fin,! through <br />its Chairman. <br />tit: 17 FU*7ili:it iii::',itLJr;i), tl,aai, ILS" s'utwal wl,ic°t l:nll be <br />ro,utted Lo Held .lopurtmont for vxpoudi euro Sn Indiun ; , <br />County uncior the provisicew r.,' ua,id li t4J two hereby plod -od to <br />the repEcyment• or the mriniou advanced by tl;e 1:apartment and t;hut <br />:stool: furxla u's,t;ll rwialr► toubj ct to the .,,lal<it;e hereby hGe umtil <br />all -montes tto ndvanoed aro ropai(i ;rt lull. <br />p} I '1.'itTili tti ilhf OLVil), tout thu Corn or Mlreiwo nt <br />with amid t)opartment s,oreto attact,od be (md that aaatne i:s l,oroby <br />op -moved and tiatt Uju Chairr+nn torr tho %lark of flits ?:ot.rcl be and <br />they are herttby authorized And directed to a,:ttottto an Agroo•^ont <br />in A►ieh form Witt, thK f%port•cont In the risme of and on behalf of <br />t): 1. a1 rOlLity. <br />that certified ooplau this <br />fior011.1t•i0rt Wloll bo rurnielm-d to tl:e :,tate itnnd 'impartment :)f <br />t.lorida, State► .:card of Adr,IT1.3trat ia:, M-11 to Uoo <:omptrolier or <br />the ,tate or ?"lorida. <br />tt sa to tr tt is <br />MITCHELL SMITH 6 MITCHELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. VERO REACH. EMMA <br />