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. BE S O L U T; O N <br />WHEREAS, House BS.11 No. 477, adopted at the 1953 Seasion <br />of the Florida Legislature, authorized the Board of County Com- <br />missioners of Indian River Cocu_ity,_Florlda, to adopt regulations <br />proscribing building setback lines i'rom anyroad street or high - <br />,Amy existing and proposed; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, that pursuant to the authority of <br />said law, sail Hoard does herewith adopt said buildtng setback <br />line as follows, to -crit: <br />1. On State Road 5 (U. S. Highway No. 1) from the south <br />City Limits of the City of Vero beach to the South County Line, no <br />building or structure shall be erected or maintained and no build- <br />ing permit shell issue for the construction of any buildings or <br />improvement within the liner, end limits of said right of way for <br />said road as the same now exists rand c:lso no buildin!_ or structure <br />sheill be erected or msintuined r.,nd no buil.dinj; permit shall issue <br />for the construction of any bui'ldin, or improvement within the <br />right of way line proposed for the widening, and improving of sild <br />road as set forth and contained in the rif;ht of way map of the <br />State Road Department of the Stute of Florida, Section No, 8801 <br />150 - 191 - 206, which said right or' way inao i.s recorded in the <br />offtoe oi' ,,hg of the Circuit Court of 7nO.ic-n River Coitlaty, <br />Floridc, in Plot Book 3, Page 26. vio right of vmy lines as <br />set forth &nd delineated on said r. t,;ht of vr;:y map are herevitth <br />adopted as the building setbvelc ltne on .9aid. road ;_:nd no builriing <br />or structure shall be erected or maintained and no building! permit <br />shall issue for the construction of any bulldin_• or improvement <br />within the area between said ri of of way liner on either side <br />of road as sho -m on ..21d right of w:a�' m r. <br />2. Thet no bui.ldin- or rtrueture shc.l_l he erected or <br />maintained and no buildire permit shall i^sue for the construction <br />of cony building or Improvement abut::iiaf; on Stote Road 5, Indian <br />River County, Florida, i'rom the North 61ty Limits of the City of <br />