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• <br />JUMISs Chapter 29135, lou:::, ,.1" flurlda. Acts ul 195d. reyult. s it-, appruvp. <br />/- of the Board of Crusty Commissioners of luo,an -liver County, Ilnr-lea, at any pt, —d pL,t <br />`..' of !rods In lndlan River County, Florida, out 2l d. the l at a ..1 sy munlcipollty; ..nit, t <br />I11t..IlLAS, a -.Id act authorises Un• ..word ..1 County Cow,si*sion•rs to adopt telt <br />and regulations pertainint• to the platting o, lends in Inui.,to River County, rIoriva; to... <br />r therefore, <br />b,. 1T NtS,il'.0 by the I,uard of Count, Commission to at ladi,n :.i— Loamy, <br />Florida, that thls ,:uurd uu•s herentth a. .pt lot- /011ultio;; rel. rnd ,.•l,ulat Corns %ii—r I— <br />authority of said ..rt, to—it; <br />1. No plot or map deplctin; ,.w, division or aul..uvisiun of I.'n— to Ltd ,.tn <br />' <br />--r keenly, I-lurida. *hal bt Vppfhv— „t -carded In to,. ,•tialic re Ca ru> .,I aa,.. .. •Yn ly <br />c xc,•pt pursuant U• Chapter 29155, Lass of .lurt•L,, .lets u: 1••55, and pursuant to those rul. <br />.nm r,•gulat tuns. <br />2. wry and all streets o, r.,a..s ahuhn upon ..toy I.lot shall hovt a rn,ht of •. <br />of n,.t Ioss than the building setback line, it aueh a null,tlpg sutback Its., has I—— ns W o- <br />1 -surd Ly tills I.uard Cur U,o road, strctt .•r hidln.ay upon ,.uich U,c Ilutteo Ilona., aunt, <br />U. .ill public roads sheen u, I•rol-sud upon the t;uunty systew os raistinu an. <br />proposed public reads skull have a right of .oar width tout lots th," that shnon at pruposuJ <br />upon the County plan of puLlic roads. <br />d. Th, rilwt a, way tar dolt ao5u 5 tram til. auuth City Li,tits ..1 Ute City <br />of Vuro Keach to the aoulh Cuunty line shall n.. the right of act worth .,ad w.ntained in <br />the right of any map of lin State a„ad u.y,artnrut of the Stal.• • hlurida, ..ectl.,tt 11801-150- <br />which said right of tiny . is recur.— t.. th. ufliee lot the t.I. it, of the Circuit Court of <br />Indian (liver County. FloriOu, in 1'1..1 :.oh,. o, pays To. ri—t n; stay L•. the rewalnj_ <br />Stat, Load 5 through Indi-, %ivrr County *hall lot- 12U L•et. <br />5. Thu ri•;ol ul way Ito, —a L. .road .,L. shall ,. ICN, /.-rt, U...t i., ..o Ieel <br />wither side of it,.. present usist Lou cunt_ It,,. ..i sad r.... •. le..0 tke Suuti- oily ; imits ul <br />the City of Vero peach to Cho South County ,la, . Ile right lot .:y ter Salo: read from the Lt <br />City Limits of thv City of Vara ,ouch to th. ..•.rU, Limits of In•Iian uivur County shall Lu <br />!bU feet, that is, 5U feet an alth.r side ul the center luso as it .xists on Un. •,round aI <br />the proposed reallaatab, uiduning and rxtensiun of suit) r—- <br />6. The riga, of ,.log for Stat.* ..uad all shall L,• Iwo feel, that is. au feet at <br />.. either side of the center line of sold road us the some ■ow ex12l S. <br />3 7. The right of way for Stale head a12 shall leu toes. that is, 5u feet <br />r� on either side of tar cantor list- ul said read as the sat... now uxlsts. <br />j <br />L`U. All other streets, roans and highways shall kav,• a right if hay width of <br />mot less than 70 feet. <br />9. No block shall exceed onto feet in length. <br />IU, illy streak , hlg6ways or roads shall It, loin out so that th,•y will bo can <br />tinustloas of uxistiag streets, hyghwuya or roads or cat ens tuns of pruposmt streets, highhay, <br />i <br />or roads. <br />11. All itr•ets, highunys or roads shall be laid out to the adjulnu,g properr <br />unit shall not be blocked 1•y 1012 or OLherwiat- m., nu bl Ind or d. .,J-und streets. roods or uluh- <br />�J ways shall be laid out. <br />12, hhare any. streot is cal—I. tat turves therein shall bt I.,ny, easy Cargo <br />well laid Out and nu setoffs or abrupt, rcv,ra, cUra,s skill ha allowed. <br />13. The rear of all lots *hall hav,• an alley of aal Iess tion 1, fust la w!d U <br />or a 10 toot aasemeat #bull be reserved stun; lot rear of abutt,ag Iola fel public utll ltics. <br />i <br />