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Plat of Yellamsre Parise Cor4)anj1s Resubdivision of Lot k, filed <br />tray 6, 1914, and recorded in Plat Book 2, page 21, public records <br />of at. Lucie Colity, Nlorida= <br />Plat of Pellamere Farces Company's :subdivision of unsurve�r •d <br />Township 32 South, Raabe 36 hast, filed February 25, 19T and <br />recorded in Plat Book 2, page 18, public records of St. Lucia <br />Couc:ty, PloridA; <br />Plat of Ammoniate Products Corporation's Subdivision of Lot V, <br />filed September 18, 1925, and recorded in i'lat Hook 1, paste 17, <br />public records of Indian River County, Flori.daj <br />And said rights of way above rsentioned embrace and includo lots <br />and parcels of lard described as rollowas <br />Begin at Nort)west corner of Tract 1219 aocordi!F, to Plat re- <br />corded in said VlAt Book 2, ;'s ge 18, thence run South on hast <br />boundary line of right of way to Southwest corner of Tract 2419, <br />thence run Meat to Southeast corner of Trnet 21116, thence run <br />North on West boundary line of r11*ht of way to Northeast corner <br />of Tract 1218, thence run Reat to point or beginning= <br />Begin at Northwest corner of Tract 1215 according to flat re- <br />oorded in said Plat Book 2, page It'', thence run South on Last <br />boundary lire of riplit of way to Southwest corner of Tract 2415, <br />thence run Test to Southeast corner of Tract 211111, thence run <br />North on the .teat boundary line of right of way to Northeast <br />corner of Tract 1214, thence run Rast to point of beginning) <br />begin at the Northwest corner yr Tract 1011 according; to Plat <br />recorded in said flat brook 2, page 21, thence run South on hast <br />boundary line of right of way to Southwest corner of Tract ?.411, <br />aecordir:g to Plat recorded in said Plat Hook ?_, nage 18, thence <br />run West to Southeast corner of Tract 2410, thence run North to <br />Northeast corner of Tract 1010, hence run Bast to the point of <br />beginning= <br />Begin at Southwest corner <:f Yraot IP07, according to Plat re- <br />corded in said Plat Book 2, passe 21, thence run North on sant <br />boundary line of right of way to shore line of Hlue Cypress <br />thence run Soutl;westorly on the shore line of said ;slue Cypress <br />Lake to :tient bounder;/ line of avid rijht or way at North and of <br />Lake front Lot 65, thence ruri South on West boundary line of <br />aaid r11;ht of way and on ►spat boundary lino of said Lake front <br />.Lot 65, to the Southeast turner of aaid Lot 65, thence renin v=est <br />on South boundary line i.f said Lot 6r, to the shore line of sAid <br />;Slue Cypress Lake, thej,oe run South to Worth boundary line of <br />Tract 1206, thence run last on North boundary line of aaid lernet <br />1206 to the Northeast corner of said Tract 1206, thence run <br />South alorq; the haat boturdary line of said Trnet 1206 to the <br />5outhoast corner or sold `tract 1206, thence run swat to the point <br />or beginning; <br />Begin at Northeasterly corner of Luke Prout Lot 62, according <br />to Plat recorded in said Unt Book 2, gage 21, thence run South- <br />easterly on Hortherly boundary line if said Lot 62 extended to <br />Runterly boundary line or riklht of way, tl•encs run Southwesterly <br />on Easterly boundary line r+f said right ,f way on Wseterl; bound- <br />ary line of ''r:aets 1008 aid Tracts 1107 to the Southwest corner <br />of Tract 1107, thence run Wont to Meat boundary line of said <br />rt.ght of way and to Easterly boundary line of Lake front Lot 64, <br />thence run Northeasterly on Westerly hotwdary flue 1:f an=d rik�ht <br />of way and on hasterly boundary lire of Lnke Lots 611s 63 ar.' 62 <br />to the point of bel;inning; <br />- 2 - <br />