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3. The reasons why the soirll-ir off 100r know (>r wits <br />led to believe that the proporty wns boing, used for or In con- <br />nootion with it violation of tyro statutes and laws of the state of <br />Florida prohibiting the rrar -Caeture of or traffic in illicit <br />moonshine whiskery are no follows: Upon observing tho velricle <br />being driven at such a reckless and excessive rate of speed and <br />upon observing; that the vehi.clo fnil.od to stop pro:nl,tlg upon <br />being; chnsod by tho nrrersting officor, he was led to hellove that <br />it was being used in the violation of laws probibitinj� traffic <br />In illicit moonshine whiskey, and after stopplull tho vahiole, <br />his observation of the ty?)o$ of juga in the vehicle which are <br />commonly known to be used fr-r the trrsnnportation (,f moonshine <br />whiskey nn :l uporr exarni.natior- (- C t`:o cor:tarite theroof earl Vie <br />lack of' nny excise tax stamps on an;-io corfl-mriod the belief of <br />the arrostir:g officor drat t1m vol:lcle was boin,-• utred in the <br />trnnnportntion �,f illin,it r,roonshine whi91Coy. <br />11. The names of sill persona, firws and corporations <br />known to this Board to be intorested 1n the ocised property are <br />as follows: Edmund 11ol.l.ins ,( (I General Acceptunco Corporation. <br />>. That attached hereto as ,,x)iib?t 1 hereto is the <br />Return of tit) Sheriff of Indian River County, 1'loridn, to the <br />Board of Cour:ty Commissioners of Indian Favor County, Florida. <br />6. Tho hoard of co rnt:l CoruvissS.ongrs lR n fixed the <br />approximate vnluo of said Seized property at :s,LP_ A--ao <br />7. That enld abovo described property is held by the <br />13onrd of County Coimriissiorgors of Indian Rivor County, Florida, <br />for forfeituro ponding, its disposal by the Circuit Court of Indian <br />River County, Florida. <br />SOARp v? COUNTY (X)HXT3SI011PTM OF <br />INDIAN VVIR" (XIIWITY, F110RIDA <br />t iEAV,) 0 <br />Fra rrn <br />Attost: <br />Clerk <br />