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M <br />Rh AOLUTION Flo? <br />WHERFA , Earnos and Beulah Law, doing buiIiiesn es Law's <br />Moving & storage company, has applied to the P orlda Iira:Ilroad and <br />Public, Utilities Commission for authority to engage .In the bttai- <br />news of moving and transporting household goods between Voro <br />Beach and an area within twenty-five miles of Vero Reeaci, and <br />various points and places in the state of Florida; and, <br />WHEREAS, the said Lawts Moving & Storage Company now <br />provide warehouse and crating service from the warehouse it <br />leases, Building No. 24, Vero Beach Air Base, Vero Beach, Florida, <br />whioh is the only household Roods warehouse service in Indian <br />River County; and, <br />WHEREAS, the County of Indian River Is rapidly growing in <br />,population and it is the opinion of the Board of County Cotnmiasion- <br />ors that the service applied for is necessary in this area; Now, <br />,therefore, <br />BE, IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, that the County of Indian River does <br />herewith ondorso the application of Law's Moving & Storage company <br />for authority to operate as a household goods carrier between <br />points and places in Florida on the one hand, and an area within <br />twenty-five miles on the other; and, <br />BE IT RTRTHEft RESOLVED that a certified copy of this <br />Resolution be furnished to the Florida Railroad and Public <br />Utilities Commission as evidence that the public convonience and <br />necessity require the granting, of the aforomentioned authority for <br />the normal life and growth of Indian River County. <br />AY l<7;M AT ZA, <br />