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3. Estimates havinu bven mmue by the tnard of Mwis- <br />sioners of the dills llaAL !&a IjUjUjal 111AII, tLl",L) iLL2.k 11.i.Y..I <br />and a cortiftud copy of the 3asolution filed with this suard, as <br />required by low and us estimated by said Wed of Commissioners, <br />it Is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of line (1) <br />mill on the dollar he levied and is hereby fixed and imposed and <br />assessed for the your 1955, an all of the property in the Gounty <br />of Indian River lying and being Within the boundaries of said <br />Central und Southern Florida Flood Control District, the bound- <br />aries of said District being described as including all of the <br />County of Indian River. <br />A. Estimates having been made by the DLAOA tV JQULJSi <br />INSTRUCTION of Indian River County, Florida, and a certified copy <br />of the Resolution filed with this board as required by law and as <br />estimated by said Dgl= U U&N 1011101110 it is determined <br />and hereby declared that a tax rate of Six and Five -tenths (6.5) <br />mills upon the dollar he levied, and is hereby imposed upon all <br />property to the County of Indian River to meet the current ex- <br />penses, incidental and necessary, for the operation of the public <br />school of the County. <br />5. Estimates having been made by the said board of <br />Public Instruction for JAI iIII& UJ5IR11Z AQ� I and a certified <br />copy of said 3esolution having been filed with this Board as re- <br />quired by law, and as estimated by said Boards being the rate of <br />millage voted, It is determined and hereby declared that tax rate <br />of Too (10) mills upon the dollar be levied and Is hereby fixed <br />and assessed for the year 1955 on all of the property taxable for <br />such purpose as provided by low in said Vistrict, said District <br />comprising of all of Indian hiver County. The same being Nine (9) <br />mills for support and maintenances and une (1) mill for building <br />and special reserve. <br />6. Ustimates having been made by the said Board of <br />Public Instruction for 11,111 <br />La'4�1 ��Luuan 4 a <br />certified copy of the qvsol"Ilun filed with this Huard as required <br />-3- <br />