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e.; 7, v <br />RESOLUTION <br />(� WHEREAS, it is the understanding of the Board of County Commis <br />•' stoners of Indian River County, Florida, that the Corps of Engineers are <br />• <br />now making a survey through Indian River County for widening, deepening <br />and relocating the inland waterway in the Indian River through thi;3 County; <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, it is the further understanding of this Board that spoil <br />areas for the deposit of material moved in the digging of this waterway have <br />been set aside, designated and established in the open waters of the Indian <br />River; and, <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County and the State of Florida are now <br />and have been for many years expending large sums of money in the control <br />and eradication of sandflies and mosquitoes from the marsh areas bordering <br />the Indian River; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that this Board does herewith respectfully petition <br />the Corps of Engineers, the Florida Inland Navigation District, the Trustees <br />of the Internal 1 ent I-'und an L Congressional delegation to co- <br />operate stab Shing the spoll areas in an on the marsh lands bordering; <br />the Indian River, of only to aid the Counits mosquitoe and sandfly con- <br />tY <br />trol program but also to the open waters of the Indian River and to <br />prevent them from being filled with sand bars and islands which will further <br />aggravate mosquitos and sandfly problem as well as materially interfering <br />with the public use of the Indian River. <br />BI's IT FURTHF11 RH30LVED that certified copies of this Resolution <br />be furnished to all of the above named, and to the Indian sliver County <br />MoRquito Control District and the City of Vero Beach. <br />MITCHELL, SMITH 5 MITCHELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA <br />