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s7- 1 <br />it ES 01,UTI 0N <br />WHE-REAS, this Board has heretofure pursuant to law established <br />• regulations pertaining to the platting and subdividing of lands in Indian River <br />I County, Florida, Now, therefore, <br />BE PT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that in addition to those regulations heretofore estab- <br />lished, the following regulations are herewith established and added to those <br />presently existing, which shall in each instance be complied with before <br />approval by this Board of any plat of lands in Indian River County, Florida, <br />to -wit: <br />1. All swale ditches on both sides of all roadways shall he upon <br />completion of the finished grading seeded, sprigged or sodded from the area <br />within one foot of the roadway constructed for travelway outward to the top <br />of the swale ditch on the outside. <br />2. Each subdivision uhall dedicate one lot for park area or one I <br />acre for each 100 acres contained in the subdivision, whichever shall be <br />greater. Any and all driveways leading from the travel portion of any road- <br />ways shall be paved or surfaced conforming to the drainage swale profile or <br />drainage pipe of sufficient size shall he placed underneath each driveway in <br />the drainage swale of adequate size to permit proper drainage. The minimurn <br />size of drainage pipe in roadside swale shall be eight inches. i <br />MITCHELL, SMITN & MITC11ELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA <br />