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EXHIBIT A <br />parents with responsible and competent care. NFP also helps parents to build a positive future for their <br />children by helping mothers reach economic self-sufficiency of the entire family. Mothers enrolled in the <br />program receive free home visits from a Registered Nurse (RN) starting from the prenatal period through <br />the baby's second birthday. The projected number of unduplicated children to be served is thirty-seven <br />(37) and thirty-seven (37) adults. <br />Indian River County's Healthy Start Coalition's (IRCHSC) Coordinated Intake and Referral (CI&R) <br />service, which is housed within Partners in Women's Health, informs all program participants about the <br />various services for which they are eligible and makes referrals as appropriate. The Connections <br />Specialists follows up with clients regarding services and overall satisfaction. Through community <br />collaboration, IRCHSC has simplified navigating services and programs available in Indian River County. <br />One of these services being presumptive eligibility for pregnant women (PEPW) assists eligible pregnant <br />women to immediately receive prenatal care through Medicaid for up to 45 days, while their eligibility for <br />full Medicaid benefits is determined. The PEPW program is designed to improve pregnant women's early <br />access to outpatient prenatal services. The projected number of unduplicated children to be served is <br />one thousand (1,000) and one thousand (1,000) adults. <br />