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EXHIBIT A <br />CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />2021-22 GRANT APPLICATION <br />Agency Name: Miss B's Learning Bees Inc. <br />Address: 4736 34th Ave, Vero Beach, FL, 32967, US <br />Executive Director: LaToya Bullard <br />Email: <br />Phone: (772) 713-4130 <br />Program Director: LaToya Bullard <br />Email: <br />Phone: (772) 713-4130 <br />Program(s) Name: Community Outreach Academic Enrichment Program (COAEP) <br />Focus Area(s): Quality After School and Summer Enrichment Programs <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: <br />Project COAEP (Community Outreach Academic Enrichment Program) was designed to increase <br />the number of economically disadvantaged students that are proficient and reside within <br />communities of high poverty. We strive to increase accessibility to quality afterschool programs <br />and behavioral services to families that reside in high poverty communities. We do this by creating <br />neighborhood hubs that allow families to easily access the services we provide for our <br />participants. Major barriers that prevent students and families from accessing services are <br />transportation, food insecurity, and lack of knowledge of services that are available to them. <br />We have designed a multifaceted approach for families that reside in communities of poverty to <br />increase access to the services they have demanded be available to them. First, continue the <br />afterschool program. It offers academic enrichment which is the time support and resources <br />needed to help students reach and maintain proficiency. Second, continue the behavioral services <br />program to assist students in developing socially acceptable behaviors that are generalized <br />across settings (afterschool, home, and school). Third, the food program. The partnership allows <br />us to offer our participants a healthy snack and nutritious meal each day. This is extremely <br />important for our families as many are food insecure. Fourth, we have also incorporated <br />transportation services for families to and from academic enrichment. Lastly, our Parent <br />Engagement program which provides support for parents. The purpose of the parent engagement <br />program to develop relationships between parents, teachers, and the afterschool program. <br />The Intergenerational Center is our primary neighborhood hub that is located in South Vero, one <br />of the identified high poverty communities. At this location we provide Academic Enrichment, Food <br />Program, Transportation, and the Parent Engagement Program. These services are provided on <br />Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00- 6:OOpm. <br />