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lz su L UT10N <br />WHEREAS, General Development Corp., a Florida corporation, its <br />Principal, and Continental Casualty Company, Chicago, Illinois, as Surety, <br />'i <br />did make, execute and deliver unto Indian River County, a political subdivi- <br />sion of the State of Florida, acting by and through Its Board of County Com- <br />missioner s, their bond in the penal sum of $25, 000.00 in connection with the <br />approval by said County of a plat of lands in Indian River County, Florida, <br />entitled Vero Beach Highlands Subdivision, Unit No. 1, which said bond is <br />dated January 22, 1958, requiring the performance of certain conditions as <br />set forth in said bond within one (1) year from Its date; and, <br />WHEREAS, a substantial percentage of said work has been done and <br />completed and the makers of said bond hive requested an extension of time <br />for completion of the remainder; Now, therefore, <br />BE rr RESOLVED by the Hoard of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that the time for performance of the terms and con- <br />ditions of said bond is herewith extended in order that the condition thereof is <br />that if the said !principal si all faithfully keep, perform and abide by all of the <br />conditions of that bond within two (2) years from its date, then that obligation <br />to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. <br />MITCHELL. SMi7H d MITCHELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, VERO OEACH, FLORIDA <br />