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N 0 T I C E <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Tax Assessor of 111IJI-111 <br />River County, Florida, will meet with the Board of Couaty Conimlasionere at <br />the offices of said Board in the Indian River County Courftuae at Vero Beach, <br />Florida, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock A. M. July 21, 1959, for the purpose of <br />hearing complaints and receiving testimony an to the value of any property, <br />real or personal, as fixed by the County Asseswr of Taxes and perfecting, <br />reviewing and analyzing the assessments as fixed by the County Assessor of <br />Taxes on the Tax Assessment Rolls of Indian River County, Florida, for the <br />year 1958, as appears by said Tax Assessment Rolls to be submitted to the <br />Board of County Commissioners at that time and said Board will continue in <br />session for that purpose from clay to day or longer, as shall be necessary. <br />This lot day of July, 1959. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUN'TY,FLORIDA <br />By: Robert W. Graves, Chairman <br />Publish one th-ne, namely: July 2, 1959. <br />Send Proof of Publication and statement <br />to Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />cc,- Douglas Baker <br />Katherine Morrison <br />Robert W. Graves <br />SMITH, DIAMOND & HEATH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, VCRO UrAfli, FLORIDA <br />